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"Come on honey, that's not true! Caitlin is just a friend! " Barry said with a chuckle

"I don't think so... when mom talks about you she has the same look that Caitlin had! I'm sure of it! "

"Honey ... I don't think Cait has feelings for me ..."

"But you have feelings for her!" Becky said smiling

"It is not true..."

"You too have the look! Then now you're blushing! "

Barry hadn't realized it, but he was really blushing ...

"Can we change the subject?" Barry said continuing to blush

"Okay... but it's fun to see you blush..." Becky said looking down as she began to cry silently, unable to hold back her tears.

Barry realized this and, taking her in his arms and holding her in a hug, he said

"Honey, you don't have to hold back the tears ... if you have to cry, cry ..."

"But you're not crying ..."

"We all face the loss of the people we love differently ...

In my case sadness sadness has given way to anger ... anger and hatred towards the person who caused your mother's death ... "

"Mom says ... she always said that those emotions are wrong, and they lead people to make mistakes ..."

"I know ... it's one of the reasons why I quarreled with Caitlin and wrongly accused Nora ...

But now let's not think about me! How do you feel? "

"Bad ... I don't know what to do ... I'm alone ..."

"You're not alone! I'm here for you! Then there are Joe and Cecile, they are my family ... then you also have your maternal grandmother! "

"Who are you talking about?"

"Your mother's mother!"

"She died when I was just born ... I've never met her"

At that same moment a sound filled with fear and terror echoed throughout the house: the sound of a gunshot.

a few minutes before

"Can I come in?" Caitlin asked from the back door

"Mom... Caitlin?  What are you doing here?" Nora asked, letting her in

"In my rush to leave I forgot my house keys ..." Caitlin said embarrassed "From the window I saw Barry and Becky talking ... I didn't want to interrupt them, so ..."

"... you went to the backyard ...
Have you already talked about it? You and my dad? "

"I can't forgive him ... I know it doesn't make sense, but ..."

"It makes complete sense! He exaggerated, just ... he's already suffering a lot ... don't let him weigh it for too long ... "

"I'll try Nora ... Where are Cecile and Joe anyway?"

"Weren't they outside? They went outside a little while ago, with that woman ... By the way, do you know who she is?"

"Didn't you recognize her?" Caitlin asked laughing "It's Patty's mother!"

Nora immediately stiffened, powerless, she instinctively drew her hand to her hip, where the empty space left by the lack of her gun now weighed ...

"What happen?" Caitlin asked, worried about Nora's reaction

"She's not Patty's mother ..." Nora said

"How can you be so sure?"

"She died when Becky was 3 months old ..."

"Well done my young aspiring detective ..." said "Patty's mother" entering the kitchen with a gun in her hand

"I AM a detective! Where are my grandparents? "

"If you mean those two, they're asleep in the other room ... you know I'm surprised you're still awake ... I put the same sleeping pill in your coffee ..."

"I don't drink coffee ..."

"Too bad ... It will mean that you will be among those of you who will see death coming!" the old woman said, pulling the trigger.

For Nora, time had stopped, but not because of her powers, but because of the terror she was feeling ...
She had often found herself in similar situations, but in all those cases she had her speed, or at least her gun ...

One second she was standing with a gun pointed at her, the next she was on the ground with Caitlin's weight on her, while "Patty's mom" was on the ground, knocked out by Barry at super speed.

"Are you okay Nora?" Barry asked, rushing towards his daughter

"I'm fine, I think ..." Nora said, trying to get up, noticing that Caitlin was still "Mom!" Nora screamed as she realized that Caitlin had been shot in the chest

"Caitlin..." Barry said faintly as he approached her to check on her

"She was hit ... I think the lung is collapsing ... Probably the bullet severed an artery," Nora said, putting pressure on the wound, trying in vain to stop the blood that flowed relentlessly with each beat of Caitlin's heart

"Move ... I'll take her to the hospital ..."

"No!" Nora shouted firmly "The wound is too serious ... Take her to the STAR labs ... I'll reach you there with my time courier ..."

"How do you get one?"

"A gift from Sara Lance ... now go!"

30 minutes later

"That's enough! I enter!" Barry said walking towards the infirmary

"Barry, Nora was clear! You can not enter!" Allegra said placing herself in front of him

"I do not care! Hours have passed! "

"It's only been half an hour!" Frost said

"Look ... I saw Patty die, Iris ... she ...I don't intend to sit here waiting, doing nothing ... "

"What do you want to do? You are not a doctor! " Frost said

"I want to understand what's going on! And you won't stop me ... " Barry said accelerating towards the infirmary

He had mentally prepared himself for different scenarios, but what he saw shocked him in a way he could never have imagined.

"Patty? Is... is that really you?"

When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now