The birth of Nora

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"Dad, for the umpteenth time, I don't want to be examined by that doctor!"

"Iris! What's wrong with you ?! " Barry said entering the cortex with Frost

"You are making a fool of me!? Do you listen to those two and not me ?! "

"What do you say Iris? What's wrong with you? "

"You didn't talk to me! You took for granted what Caitlin and Frost said! "

"Caitlin is a doctor! You have to trust your doctor! "

"Caitlin is not my doctor!" Iris screamed in exasperation "She's just your lover!"

"What are you saying?" Joe asked puzzled

"Iris, we already talked about it! Cait...lin is just a friend! "

"Oh really?! So what did you two talk about alone before? "

"It's personal ..."

"I'm your wife, whatever you talked about is about me too! So tell me, what did you and your mistress talk about! "

"Iris, for the umpteenth time, Caitlin is not my lover! And anyway, what Caitlin and I talked about doesn't concern you! It's something private between me and her! "

"Admit it Caitlin is your mistress and that little girl is your daughter of the future!"

"What?" everyone asked in chorus except Caitlin and Frost

"Barry ... Is that so?" Joe asked more and more perplexed

"Jessica is not my daughter! She's not even Caitlin's daughter... she's the daughter of a future member of the team Flash!"

"So why does she look like your mother?"

"Iris I'm so sorry, but ..." Caitlin tried to say

"What do you want bitch ?!" Iris yelled

"Your waters have broken!"


"Ok now come to the infirmary!" Caitlin said calmly

"No! I'm going to the hospital! " Iris said firmly

"Ok, I'll take you ... it's safer given the matter of the mysterious speedster"

"No! I don't want to have anything to do with you until you end your relationship with Caitlin! Dad, take me to the hospital and then come and get my things from the loft ... there is a bag ready near the entrance "

"Okay Iris, let's go"


"What is worrying you?" Mia asked

"Today is the day when everything falls apart!"

"What do you mean?"

"Today is the day of my birth ... the day of the end of everything ... from today nothing will be the same again ..."

"Honey, everything will work out for the best in the end! You always said that despite everything you had a wonderful childhood! "

"Yeah, but I'm afraid for my father ... after what happened to Patty ... I'm just afraid he won't be able to get over it!"

"Calm! Your father is not alone! He will be able to go on! "

"I'm not sure ... he will blame himself for everything that will happen and he will suffer from it"

"Nora... he won't be alone... he has people who won't abandon him! Not like I did with you..."

"You're right... I shouldn't worry too much... in the same way you should stop pitying yourself for being afraid! Now you are here with me, and that's all that matters! " Nora said making Mia smile

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