I don't want to give up having you in my life

429 15 2

Midway City

Caitlin was coming out of yet another apartment available on the market for her budget.

She had visited a dozen just that day ...

She was convinced that her real estate agent was starting to hate her ... despite all his efforts, she had found a flaw in every apartment he had offered her:

too far from work, too far from the metro stop, too far from the city center, non-existent kitchen, bedroom too small, bathroom too small and without a bathtub ...

The list could last for hours ... each apartment had a defect, beyond which she was unable to look ... The reason was the very reason why she wanted to leave Central City: to start living a new life ... away from all problems ...

In her idea of ​​a new life, at the top there was a new house ... the house of her dreams ... a house that she could afford with her savings in Central City but, not in Midway City

However, while Caitlin was ready to enter apartment number 13, she found herself accelerated into the living room of a house never seen before

"Welcome Dr. Snow!" said a woman of about her age wearing a red jacket "I'm Susan Taylor, from Taylor's real estate agency ..."

"Excuse me, but ..."

"Barry Allen, your friend has listed your preferences for me and I'm sure this house will be perfect for you ... it has a large kitchen, a living room, a soundproofed study, a master bathroom with a bathtub ..."

"Excuse me but ..."

"Cait..." Barry said as he walked over to her

"What's going on !? Excuse me but I don't think ... "

"But that's what you wanted, Dr. Snow ..." Susan said sadly "Then it's 15 minutes by car from your new job!"

"Wait what?"

"Susan... Can you leave us alone for a second?" Barry asked

"Sure Mr. Allen ... Barry"

"Barry ... what does that mean?" Catlin asked as soon as they were alone

"Cait ... I talked to Joe ... he made me realize the mistake I was about to commit ... I can't stop you from living your life while trying to figure out what's best for me ..."

"This house..."

"I can't stop you from going... but I can ask you to let us stay with you... please Caitlin... allow me and my daughters to stay in your life!" Barry asked kneeling

"Barry ... you're married ... and I wouldn't agree to marry you anyway ..." she said laughing

"What? No... I don't want to marry you... yet... but I would like you to let us live here with you! There is a basement with bedroom and independent bathroom ... and ... "

"Barry ... okay ..."


"I'd like to try it, Barry ... but if it doesn't work ..."

"It will work Cait, I assure you!"

"But what if it didn't?"

"Cait ... when you were hurt I didn't think of anyone but you ... Don't worry this won't work ... because I'm sure nothing will keep me away from you ..."

"Barry... What about Patty? What will Becky say?!"

"When Becky asks me about me and her mother ... I'll tell the truth ... that she was a special person to me and that I was very sorry not to spend time with them ..."

"What will she say about me?"

"From what I understand she won't call you mom ... but I know for sure she'll love you as if you were ..."


"Cait, I swear ... there's nothing you need to worry about!"

"Barry ... what about Gamma?"

"The girls are back in the future ..."

"What? All of them? "

"Becky had to take Jessie to a safe place ... Mia and Nora will return with a weapon to use against Gamma"

"Ok ... so that's what the little girl is called ... Jessie ..."


"Is she our daughter?"


"Oh ..." Caitlin said, her voice full of regret "I thought she and I had a connection ..."

"Well you have it ..."

"But you said she is not our daughter!"

"No, but she is our granddaughter ..."

"Oh No!" Caitlin said laughing, letting herself fall on the sofa "Barry, I'm too young to be a grandmother!"

"I remind you, Cait, that you are older than me!" Barry said, sitting down next to her

"What do you have to do with it! For a woman it's different!" she said laughing as she hugged him

"I would love to say I love you and hear that answer from you..."

"Cait .. I ..."

"I know Barry ... you can't say it yet ... I understand you ..."

"Caitlin Snow ... just because I still can't say it doesn't mean I don't care about you ... I don't want to give up having you in my life"

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