She is gone...

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It is said that when someone is on the verge of death they see a white light, many people who have come on the verge of death and then saved themselves have claimed to have seen something like this.
Scientists are still divided on this topic: some dismiss it as a chemical reaction of the brain, an adrenaline rush, a last reaction of the brain ready for death, which as a last action causes us to see a strange light and relive memories...
Nora wasn't seeing any of this, the only thing she could think about was her little Jessie, the little girl had been her only reason for living for years, and now she would continue to grow up without her mother.What she felt was not fear for her, but a sense of regret, even remorse... she felt guilty for not being able to stay with her...
She felt guilty because it had all started with her killing Gamma's brother in the line of duty and now it all ended with her death.It was kind of romantic, it was full circle, except now Jessie would be the "new Becky" forced to live life without her mother, with a parent who would forever blame herself for everything.

In the midst of all those thoughts, one came to her: why haven't I died yet? Do you want to torture me for this too Gamma?

Opening her eyes, she saw Gamma motionless with her eyes wide open and a small strip of blood coming out of her mouth.
Looking down she realized that Gamma's dress was stained, stained red, and in the center of her chest was protruding a small metal spike.
She didn't even have time to look better at the wound that Gamma dropped to the ground, emitting a suffocated breath.

Looking past her, she saw her: Mia, her face and hair scorched and her clothes charred from the bolt of lightning, standing with barely enough strength to hold her bow.As she watched, still unable to move, the vigilante dropped to the ground, unable to bear her own weight... she had used her last strength to save her beloved


Infirmary, the next morning

"Hey hey, honey..." Nora said, taking Mia's right hand in hers. "Don't fret!"

"Nora... what..."

"After you saved me Gamma passed out... you were badly injured by the lightning bolt! You scared me to death, honey," Nora said, crying

"I hardly remember anything... I remember her hitting me... then I hit her with an arrow..."

"Exactly... Mia, you saved me!"

"Nora... please tell me this room is dark, because I can't see anything..."

"Relax, you only have patches on your eyes, Becky has thought of everything... but you had some bad burns, she managed to reconstruct your face perfectly, you will have small scars on your neck and chest... and you will have to wait for your singed hair grow back as before..." Nora said as she slowly unwrapped Mia

"Thank you darling... I feel pain everywhere..."

"It's more than normal..."

"Nora..." Mia said, as her eyes adjusted to the light "Could you ask your sister to check I'm not having a heart attack?"


"Well, my chest hurts a little left arm hurts terribly..."


"What happened? You always make that sound when you're in trouble"

"Mia... I don't know how to tell you..."

"What is happening?"

"Mia, I don't think I'm capable of..."


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