Unexpected revelations

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"What?!" Barry and Becky yelled

"I'm so sorry Barry, I didn't want you to find out like this ... now take us to a safe place!"

Barry didn't answer, he just took them to STAR Labs without opening his mouth on the way ... he couldn't figure out if Patty's was a lie or not ...

He dared not imagine having a daughter he had never known anything about... a thousand questions were running in his mind: "Patty kept my daughter from me because she didn't want me with her?" "Did she do it to protect her?" "Would she have ever told me?"

But the first of all was: "Is she really my daughter?"

"Barry... Can you hear me? Why did you bring Patty here? " Iris asked seeing them arrive

"Here ... I ..." Barry tried to say, unable to stop thinking about Patty's revelation

"We were in danger ... He helped us!" said the little girl

"Who is she?" Iris asked

"Barry..." Patty whispered out of breath

"Patty, what's going on?" Barry asked, completely ignoring Iris's question

Patty didn't answer, she just fell to the ground bleeding... she had been hit by a bullet in the stomach

"Caitlin! Come here soon! Help Patty!!!" Iris yelled

Barry couldn't think, his mind was completely blocked, Caitlin immediately ran to check on Patty, the wound was pretty serious, the bullet hadn't come out and during the run it had done even more damage ...

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Becky asked seeing her mother on the ground

"Becky, come with me! Let them help your mother! " Nora said as she picked up Becky and carried her out of the Cortex to keep her from seeing the blood

"I don't want to be with you! I want my mom! " the girl said starting to cry

"Becky, honey, your mother is in very good hands ... you'll see she'll be fine!" tried to say Nora to reassure her

"I do not trust you!" Becky said, freeing herself from Nora's arms "My mom was a cop... if you don't let me go back to her I'll have her friends arrest you!"

Nora smiled and knelt in front of the little girl saying

"In a way, I'm a friend of your mother ... you can trust me"

"Prove it!" Becky said, stamping her feet on the ground

Nora looked around to make sure she was alone with Becky, then put her hand in her pocket hoping that Caitlin hadn't emptied them while she was passed out, luckily she didn't ... She pulled out a CCPD badge and handed it to Becky

"WOW !!!! Are you a policeman too? "

"Yes ... like your mother I wanted to become a CSI, but in the end I joined the police and now, after 5 years, I am the detective in charge of the meta-human squad"

"The same one my mom was a part of?"

"More or less..."

"What's the difference?"

"Our team is actually a real section of the police that deals only with investigative cases involving meta humans"

"And how does it work? Why is there this distinction? "

"In the police there are teams that mainly deal with murders, others deal with thefts and robberies, still others with drugs ... all have their main task, but when needed they collaborate by sharing resources"

When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now