Lilian West

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Nora's apartment

"Wow ... Is that how you usually travel through time?" Mia asked after Nora set her down

"I've only done it twice! You can't complain! " Nora said laughing

"Becky and Jessie?" Mia asks, not seeing them

"I asked her to take Jessie to her house ..."


"According to Gamma, Becky just died ... so she won't be looking at her house ..."

drin drin drin

"Are you waiting for someone?"

"No ... go to the other room ..."


"If it's Gamma you have to stay safe!"

"She wouldn't knock!"

"Don't argue with me about this! No one else will die! " Nora said as she approached the door

drin drin drin

Of all the people she expected to see, the one in front of her was a perfect stranger to her.

She was a girl of about 15 with straight black hair gathered in a tail and eyes of such a dark brown color that it was difficult for anyone to distinguish where the iris ended ...

Iris... that little girl was... e

"I am..."

"Lilian West ... Iris's daughter ..."

"Yes, how did you ... forget it ... Yes, it's me! I'm your sister ... "

"How do you know who I am ..."

"I was outside the door of my mother's room ... I wanted to surprise her and instead it was I who had one ..."

"Why are you here?"

"Well ... I tried to figure out who you were, but your colleagues didn't want to talk about it, so ..."


"I pretended to be my mother and looked for information about you ... You are an amazing big sister!"

"We are not really sisters ..."

"Ok... ok... we're half-sister... You're too fussy! Anyway, you are amazing!

You have a daughter with a biology degree and are starting psychiatry! And at the same time you have made a career in the CCPD! You are a detective, a detective lieutenant since last night... for the last 3 months you have been the interim leader of the special anti-metahuman squad! And soon you will be officially the boss! I can't wait to meet you and ... "

"Hey hey hey hold on, hold on ... We are not sisters ..."

"We already define that part ..."

"No ... what I am referring to is that just because we share a parent, that doesn't mean we are sisters!"

"Isn't that the very definition of being sisters?"

"What I mean is that what matters is not so much the blood bond as much as the time and experiences shared!"

"We agree on this! I'm very happy!" she said, entering Nora's apartment with a backpack and a travel bag

"What are you doing?"

"Well ... I might have quarreled with my mother after what happened between you ... She didn't want to talk to me about you and ..."

"What about your father?"

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