When we became sisters

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9.00 PM

"Becky?" Nora said as she walked over to her sister, who was still sitting on the porch

"Nora, what are you doing still awake?"

"Well ... I'm not a child ... then isn't that the meaning of a sleepover?"

"Sleepovers usually take place in a bedroom ... this feels like a night on a campsite with a 5-star hotel attached!"

"I'm sorry Becky ... I'm so sorry"

"For what?"

"For this" Nora said before grabbing Becky's lighter and running away

Nora and her "friends" ran towards the woods, they expected to be chased by Becky, instead she had stood still and watched them disappear into the bush

"Move Nora," Lorraine said

"Wait for me! I can't run faster" Nora said as she turned on her flashlight

"Move!" Eleonoire said "We can't wait for you! If you want to be one of us you have to keep up with it! "

"I want to be one of you" Nora said before stumbling, without any of her friends noticing.

A few seconds later the light from their torches had also vanished and Nora was alone in the middle of the woods

"Hey I'm here! Help!" Nora cried, starting to cry as the light from her flashlight flickered

"Anyone hear me?" he said, before he was left in the dark

With the arrival of darkness, all the faint sounds of the forest had become deafening noises ...

slowly she sat up and lit Becky's lighter, illuminating the area around her with a flickering yellow light ...

"Please Becky! Help!" Nora cried, frightened by the diminishing flame

"Don't worry little sister I'm here!" Becky said coming up behind Nora, with a flashlight "Come on let's go back" she added, taking her hand

"How did you find me?"

"You are just a few steps from a path ... it wasn't difficult ..."

"I'm so sorry ..." Nora said, handing the lighter, now extinguished, back to her sister

"Don't worry... what do you want us to do now? Do you want me to take you to your friends or..."

"Let's go home! Please..."

"Okay little sister ... I'll call Dad and Cait as soon as we get to the cabin"

"Do not you want it?"  Nora asked, realizing that her sister had not yet taken her lighter

"Keep it"


"One day you asked me why I cared so much ... the answer is that it belonged to my grandfather ... my mother loved when she was a child because of all its shades of color ...
When my grandfather died she kept it as her most precious treasure ... I did the same thing when she died ...
Now I wish you had it, as a sign of the good that I want you little sister "


"When I heard you, I didn't feel anger because you took it from me ... but fear ... I was afraid you were hurt ..."

"But what does it mean ..."

"This lighter now represents how much I love you little sister! As long as you have it and it works our bond will last "

"But if it breaks or I lose it"

"If treated well it will last forever, but it takes commitment... just like a true friendship!
And that's what I want for us! No lies, no quarrels! "

"No secrets?"


"I don't know if I'll succeed ... can't I return it to you?"

"If you do, we will no longer be sisters!" Becky said sarcastically

"No!! I'll keep it! I love you Becky! "

"I love you too Nora"

end Flashback

"What a beautiful story ..." Frost said. "Each story is better than the last!"

"Maybe you didn't understand ... I returned the lighter to Becky! She is no longer my sister "

"Nora ..."

"What does NO SECRET mean to you!"

"It was to protect you... won't you tell me you don't do the same thing with Jessie?"

"What you mean?"

"Well ... I heard you met Mia when Jessie was 2 years old ... so her dad is someone who's not part of your life ... isn't he?"

"Look, it's none of your business! He has no right to be part of our life! "

"What I meant is that you never talked about it with her ... have you?"

"With Jessie, No ... With Mia ... we talked about him after 6 months we were together ... She wanted to know about him and I told her"

"Isn't that somehow the same thing? You have to protect the people you love! Sometimes lying is the only solution "

"No Aunt Frost! Is not the same thing! I had a right to know that my mother was still alive! Becky could have told me when I had already found out! I forgave all of you for keeping it from me, I would have forgiven her too! "

"As I said we wanted ... we would like to protect you ... as you do with your daughter ..."

"These are two different things"

"Different how? Both cases of parents who could not be parents"

"My mother abandoned me after losing her memory due to Eclampsia!
When I told him I was pregnant and I wanted to keep her, Jessie's biological father tried to kill me!"

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