Nora: the awakening

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"Nora, wake up please! I don't want to see you in this state either... I love you, my daughter! I've already lost you once... I don't want to lose you again! " he said stroking Nora's forehead

"Dad... another 5 minutes..." Nora whispered

"Honey, are you awake!?"

"Dad? What happened? Where am I? Or rather when I am? What year is it? But above all, where is Jessie? " Nora asked sitting down on the bed

"We found you in the woods, you were injured, you are in the infirmary..."

"Where is Jessie? She's fine?"

"Who?" Barry said, not quite sure who his daughter was referring to

"Jessica... she is a 6 year old girl, blonde hair, blue eyes, did you see her by chance?"

"You mean the little girl who was with you?"

"Yup! Where is she? Please, answer!"

"She's with Caitlin at CC Jitters, she's fine!"

"Thank goodness!" Nora said

"Who is she?" Barry said

"I can not tell you... "


"I can't really tell you dad, I'm sorry! Call mo...Caitlin... tell her to come here right away and not ask Jessie for anything "

"Okay I'll call her, she'll be here in a few minutes"

"Can you bring them here right away?"

"What are you worried about Nora?"

"I ran away because someone wanted to kill me, and I'm afraid Jessie is in danger too!"

"Okay, after I warn Iris, she's worried about you"

"What?" Nora asked puzzled

"Well darling you are about to be born and at the same time you were here one step away from death... she was very worried!"

"What? Haven't I been born yet? "

"Not yet darling, according to the doctor you will be born in a few days..."

"Thank goodness, I didn't screw up the timeline" Nora whispered

"What did you say?"

"Nothing important! Get Jessie here as soon as possible "

"Quiet Nora, don't get upset ... I don't think she's in danger ..."

"You don't know, I don't want to risk it! Jessie is just a shy six-year-old girl! I can't let anything happen to her! " Nora said seriously

"Nora, what's wrong with you? Why are you so apprehensive of that little girl? "

"I can not tell you! Bring her here, please! "

"Okay honey..." Barry said, speeding up to CC Jitters as Iris entered the infirmary

"Hi Nora, I'm glad you're okay!" Iris said, running to hug Nora

"Hi... mom..." Nora replied

"Why are you so strange?"

"I'm worried about Jessie..."

"Who? That little girl?"

"Yes... I can't tell you anything, but I was running away from a meta-human who wanted to kill me... I'm afraid she too is in danger..."

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