You will never be her aunt!

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Present day, Caitlin's apartment

Barry had spent all day thinking about what his almost daughter-in-law had said about him and Caitlin, and had agreed on one part in particular: he couldn't face Gamma until the situation was resolved.

After hours of hesitation he finally found the courage to talk to Caitlin, however after several failed attempts to phone her he decided to go to her apartment.

"Cait ... are you there?" Barry asked entering the apartment

He had been there several times since he met Caitlin, the last time was just 2 days ago, he had seen him in every possible condition: messy, tidy, flooded and once even frozen ... yet he never expected. to find it in that state: completely empty

There was not even the furniture, except for the built-in ones

"You are? What are you doing in this apartment? "An elderly man asked as he entered

"I'm a friend of Caitlin's ... I haven't been able to contact her anymore ..."

"I am the owner ... she has closed the contract and is moving ..."

"I know ... I just didn't think it was so soon ..."

"She said she needed to change her life ..."

"Thank you ... if she comes back ..."

"She told me she would never come back"

"Thanks anyway ..." Barry said as he walked out

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"Hello, who is speaking?" Barry said, answering the phone

"Barry, it's Joe ... Iris is about to leave the hospital if you want to talk to her ..."

"I'm on my way ..." Barry said, after a few seconds of hesitation

Central City Hospital, Iris's room

"Hi Iris..." Barry said, entering the room as Iris was packing her bag

"Hi Barry ..." Iris said without even looking at him

"We should talk ..."

"About what, Barry?"

"Maybe our daughter?"

"Barry ... I can't ..."

"What can't you !? Can't you talk about your daughter !? "

"She is not my daughter!"

"Iris, you gave birth! We have been trying for almost a year! We have been trying since we met her when she went back in time and ... "

"Barry! I don't want to have children with you! I wanted to have kids with Eddie! And he is dead! For me he just died! "

"I know ... but now we should talk about Nora!"

"Your mother?"

"Our daughter!"

"I have no children Barry!"

"You can't be serious!"

"I'm serious!"


"Barry for me until 2 days ago I was with Eddie! And now you all tell me that I was married to you and we have a daughter ... I can't ... I don't feel anything for you ... "

"Iris ... the doctors said that yours is amnesia related to some complication with childbirth ..."

"So? Should I play being a good wife until I get the memories of a life that doesn't belong to me !? I don't mean to do it Barry! "

"Iris, all I ask of you is not to go away... don't do it for me, do it for our daughter! I don't want to ask you to play the perfect wife, I don't want you to feel compelled to be with me in any way... you just can't leave our daughter! "

"Our daughter? Barry, are you serious? For me that is not my daughter! For me it is ... "


"My niece ... at best ... Barry, I can't take care of your daughter!"

"Iris is your daughter too!"

"No, she is not! At least not for me ... if you need something ... "


"I mean..."

"Iris, if you don't want to be her mother, you will be nothing to her ... you can always go back to this family, but as far as I'm concerned you will never be her aunt ..."

"Will you give me this ultimatum?"

"Yes ... Nora and Becky from the future told me that something like this would happen ... but I didn't think that you, with what you went through with your mother, you would really do it ..."

"For me my mother died when I was little!"

"How it will be for Nora ..."

"Do you really want to make this speech? You can do it ... she's not my daughter! "

"Since you have no memories of our marriage, I will ask for the annulment... do not dare to ask for anything from the divorce, no money or property ... And you will have to sign to renounce all rights over my daughter!"

"I don't care about your money ... I don't care about your things ... and as for Dora ..."


"Sorry .. as for Nora, I have no problem ... Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

"No ... goodbye Iris ..."

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