He pushed me down!

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"Wait what? What are you talking about? "Becky asked, infuriating Nora

"Don't joke about this! I already hate talking about him ... don't start asking me about him ... "

"Nora, calm down ... I was referring to the future son part ..."

"You know very well that he was born 2 days after me ... it was our thing ..."

"So he was born today?"


"You know well I don't know anything about him ... you got together when you were 17 and all this happened when you were 18 ... at that moment I had just entered medical school ... we weren't as close as we are now ... I don't know a lot of him except what you told me during our phone calls ... and it was all things like: Oh my God, how awesome it is to hang out with him ... "

"Don't make me weigh the fact that you warned me about him ... please ..." he said turning his back on his sister and starting to cry

"Nora, it wasn't my intention ..." Becky said, they hug Nora from behind "Little sister, no one could imagine what happened ... no one could believe it ..."

"I know ... we were lucky with how it went ..."

Central City hospital flashback

beep beep beep

"Nora, honey... are you awake..." Caitlin said, seeing Nora open her eyes slightly

Nora looked around, at first she couldn't figure out where she was, it took her several minutes to remember 

"Mom ..."

"Honey don't get tired ..."


"Shhh honey ... you risked a lot ... Jacob said you fell out of the window while ..."

"It is not so!" Nora yelled, starting to cry "He pushed me down!"

"What?" Caitlin asked puzzled, "Honey ... it can't be ..."

"I have been unwell in the last few days ... tiredness, headache ... and nausea ... This morning I took the test ... I'm pregnant ... or at least I was ...

When I told him he said I couldn't ruin his life and that ... "

"Nora darling don't talk anymore ..."

"Why don't you believe me?"

"WHAT?" Caitlin shouted shocked by Nora's question "Daughter of course I believe you ...

Just don't get upset ... you have to stay calm if you want to heal quickly ... "

Caitlin said hugging Nora

"I can't imagine it ... has he ever ..."

"He never did anything ... when I told him ... he never did anything like that ..." Nora said sobbing "You're not angry with me ... for the pregnancy ..."

"I thought I would become a grandmother in 5 years ... and for your sister ... but I could never be angry about a new life ..."

"I wish Jacob had reacted like you ..."

"Don't worry ... do you want to talk to the police?"

"I don't think it will help ... I mean, Singh will help him ..."

"David will help his son in the right way, which is by making sure he has a fair trial ... I also don't think he will be happy to know that he hurt his granddaughter ..."

"Why female?"

"I feel that... "

"Even if you were right ..."

"As a doctor I do not want to give you false hope, but as a mother ... even if the pregnancy is at the beginning, there are cases similar to yours in which the child has made it ..."

"For real?"

"Yes darling ... all we have to do is hope ..."

"I love you mom..."

"I love you Nora..." Caitlin said hugging her

"Now what do we do?"

"Now we will sue Jacob for assault ..."

"No, you won't!" Singh said as he entered the room

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