Because I care about Nora!

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Joe ran out of Iris's room slamming the door behind him, he was furious, his daughter had openly told him that she didn't care about the baby she had given birth just a few hours earlier.

He could not understand how it was possible that the same person who until the day before was bursting with joy, waiting for the moment of birth, now claimed to want to leave everything and everyone.

"Joe, what happened in there?" a female voice asked, shaking Joe from his thoughts

"Sorry, Mia ... what are you talking about?" Joe asked confused

"Do you feel OK? You're all sweaty, you seem to be on the verge of fainting! "

"I'm fine Mia ..."

"Are you sure? Given what is happening, I thought that ... "

"What are you talking about Mia?"

"I'm talking about you and Iris! I heard screams ... I think they heard them all over the hospital, but I couldn't understand what you were saying! What is happening?"

"Nothing you need to worry about ... just private family matters ... So stay out of it!"

"Joe ... little note, Nora and I are back together, this means that I am part of the family so this whole question also concerns me!"

"I do not think so! What makes you believe you can come back as if nothing happened after hurting my granddaughter! You didn't see her look when she asked... when she begged Barry to take you to STAR labs! She never stopped loving you and you left her overnight! You broke up with her ... you are about to get married to another person and NOW you claim to be back with her!? What makes you think you have the right to know?! "

"Joe, Nora is my girlfriend, we were even going to get engaged before I messed up our relationship! I know how much she suffered! She is not the only one who has spent sleepless nights crying for losing the one she loved! I too have suffered every day! I had lost the love of my life and my ... daughter at once! I don't pretend to come back as if nothing had happened, but she gave me a second chance and I don't want to waste it! "

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because I care about Nora! I love her! I left when she needed me most, I don't mean to repeat that same mistake! Nobody ever talks about this day but, from what little I know, I know for sure that it is serious! So, I ask you another time, what happened in there? "

Joe sat down on a chair in the now deserted waiting room and began to cry

"Iris ... she ... she is no longer my Iris ... she is a completely different person ..."

"What do you mean?"

"She ... she ... told me she never wanted this life ... and she doesn't want it now ... she didn't want kids with Barry ... and ..." Joe stopped crying.

"And what?" Mia asked sitting down next to him

"She said she wants Nora... she said as soon as the doctors let her go, she'll leave town!"

As he spoke, Joe noticed Mia's face turn pale

"What's wrong with you Mia? I thought you knew ... What do you know? " Joe asked

"I can't talk about it Joe ... you know it well ..."

"Of course you can!" Joe said

"No, she can't do it ... if you knew too many things you would end up doing what I did: mess things up even more ..." Barry said, approaching with baby Nora soundly asleep in his arms

"What do you mean?" Joe asked puzzled

"It's a story for another day ..."

"Where is Nora? My Nora, not the baby,"Mia said

"With Caitlin ... don't ask me more"

"Well ... I'm going to her ... she owes me some explanation ..." Mia said standing up

"What happened to the speech about not knowing too much about the future?" Barry asked

"The speech does not apply to me, nor to Nora and Jessie ... we come from the future! For me this is the past! A past that I think it's time to understand ... "

When Mia came to Nora she found her in a hug with Caitlin, part of her wanted to leave them alone, but she didn't want to wait any longer to know the truth.

"Nora?" she asked to get her girlfriend's attention

"Ah ... Mia ... What happens?"

"I'd like to talk to you ... about Ir... about your mother," Mia said, not wanting to reveal anything to Caitlin.

"I told her ..." Nora said to Mia's surprise

"How much did you tell her?"

"She told me that I am her adoptive mother and nothing else ... only that I am married to Barry"

"Well ... so I don't have to ... "

".... refer to Iris as my mother" Nora said coldly

"That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about..." Mia said sitting down next to her girlfriend

"Mom ... I don't want to ask you, but ... can you leave us alone?"

"Sure Nora ... I'll call Frost and go home with her"

"Ah Mom ... could you not tell her what my father told you?"

"Sorry, why?" Caitlin asked half offended

"Well ... you know how she will react when she knows ..."

"Know what? What did that moron do this time? " Mia asked, giggling

"He told me horrible things..." Caitlin said with tears in her eyes

"I'm so sorry Cait ... But now I understand why he was so sorry and sad when we talked"

"See mom? I told you! He didn't really mean those bad things! " Nora said smiling

"Nora ..."

"I know the fact that he's sorry doesn't change anything, but do you promise not to tell Auntie Frosty?"

"Aunty ... Frosty?" Caitlin asked puzzled

"I used to call her that as a child ... I still do it sometimes ... Jessie always does it ..."

"So ... you're not going to tell her?" Mia asked, anticipating Nora

"I don't know... why shouldn't I? I don't think she would kill him! " Caitlin said ironically

"No ... she'd probably kick him in the ..."

"Do not say that!" Nora said

"Nora, Jessie isn't here! You don't always have to play the part of the mommy attentive to bad words! " Mia said in a singsong tone as she hugged Nora

"Nothing changes honey! With a little girl I have to be careful of bad words "said Nora, returning the hug" Anyway, Mom, Mia is right, so don't tell her anything .... I still want my little sister!"

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