Death and revelations

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The mysterious hooded speedster ran away chased by Barry, Nora instead ran towards Patty, holding her in a strong hug, starting to cry

"Please Patty, you can't die ... you can't die because of me!" Nora said in tears

"It wasn't your fault Nora ..." Patty whispered in a low voice, despite the severity of the injury she was still alive

"I'm so sorry ... It was my fault ... I should have done more!" Nora said sobbing

"You did everything possible! You are an incredible person... I am happy that my daughter will have you as her sister! " Patty said closing her eyes while 2 tears ran down her right eye

"NOOOO !!!!" Nora yelled, clutching Patty's now lifeless body

In the meantime

Barry was chasing the hooded speedster, he had never run at that speed for so long, his opponent was really tough.

They had circled the city several times, when the mysterious sprinter changed direction and collided with Barry, knocking him to the ground.

"The Flash, it's an honor for me to meet you again! You know I've always admired you, you are the greatest speedster of all time! "

"Don't think this is going to stop me from catching you ..." Barry said trying to get up

"I have nothing against you, the only one I have unfinished business with is her, Nora Snow-Allen, the CCPD detective who sent me to prison for 3 years and killed my brother!

I have nothing but admiration for you! You are a great speedster, you are what I have always wanted to be ... the one that because of that little girl I can never be! I don't want silly nicknames or anything like that ... "he said before taking off his hood and revealing the face of a girl of about 20" My name is Gamma, and I'm the one who will kill Detective Allen and all the people she cares about ! Tell her that the next person is the love of her life! That person who has lost twice! " she said before running away

Barry struggled to get back on his feet, not so much because of his injuries, but because of Gamma's statements.

That woman had said several times that Nora had killed her brother and as she said it in her eyes the hatred she felt for Nora was clearly visible, so she was starting to think she was telling the truth, but ... the part that upset him the most was another: Nora Snow-Allen had said.

Star Labs

Everyone stood still seeing Nora's suffering, none of them would have ever expected to witness Patty's death and they certainly didn't expect Nora to have reacted that way, blaming herself and apologizing to Patty.

Joe was the first to approach, after all he was the one who knew Patty best, but above all he was the only one close enough to hear her last words: "... I'm happy that my daughter will have you as her sister!"

"Nora, please... come on," he whispered touching his granddaughter's shoulder

"I can't ... it was my fault!" Nora said in tears without moving

"It wasn't your fault!" Joe said kneeling next to her holding her in a hug

"Grandpa ... it was all my fault!" Nora said sobbing in her grandfather's arms

"Don't even say it as a joke, you understand me! It was that hooded sprinter not yours! Come on now"Joe said, leading her out


Joe walked Nora to the lounge and sat down with her on the sofa

"Grandpa it was all my fault," Nora said after several minutes of silence

"I don't believe it ... it was that speedster's fault ..."

"Yeah, but it was my fault Patty was killed," Nora said, holding back her tears

"Listen to me Nora, it's not like that! You don't have to blame yourself! "

"I would love to believe it ..."

"Nora, you don't have to blame yourself! Think of your sister! She needs you! "

"What?" Nora asked, not understanding how Joe knew

"Don't lie to me Nora... you're like your father, you can't tell lies! I heard what Patty said ... I know Becky is your half-sister "

"We have never defined ourselves as half-sisters ..."

"Sorry, I thought you were very close"

"Precisely! We're sisters! We grew up together and we are best friends! or rather we were ..."

"Why do you say that?"

"I don't think she'll want to have anything to do with me anymore ... It's my fault that she grew up without her mother!" Nora said starting to cry

"Don't cry Nora! It's not your fault! It is not so! That evil sprinter is a fool! He even said you killed his brother! " Joe said

"Grandpa ... Nora said crying even more"

"What is it, Nora?"

"I really killed her brother!"

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