Nora: between life and death

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"How are they?" Iris asked

"Not well..."

"What happened to them?"

"Nora had a very serious drop in her blood sugar ..." Caitlin said

"But will she be okay?" Barry asked

"I don't know Barry ..."

"How can you not know !!! You're a doctor! It's your job!" Iris screamed in fright

"She was in very serious condition! It's a miracle that she is still alive!" Caitlin said, looking down

"What?" Barry asked in shock

"She wasn't healing because her body was exhausted! Right now she's in a coma ..."

"We have to wait for her to wake up, right?" Iris asked

"Iris ..." Caitlin said softly

"Cait! How soon will my daughter wake up?" Barry asked

"I'm so sorry ... it's not when she wakes up .... It's if she wakes up"

"What?!" Iris said starting to cry

"I'm so sorry, but I can't do more! Nora is out of energy, we just have to wait, and hope her metabolism improves before she gets worse ..."

"What do you mean? You said she's fine! " Iris said

"She's fine, but her wounds have started to get infected ... I cleaned them, but her metabolism doesn't allow broad-spectrum antibiotics to react ... if she doesn't recover, any infection could lead to septicemia ... if she doesn't recover quickly he might not make it..." Caitlin said starting to cry too

"Can't I give her my blood? It worked with Ralph ..."

"Unfortunately, Barry it wouldn't do any good ... not in this case at least"

"Okay ... How is the girl?"

"Physically, she is fine ..."

"What do you mean physically?"

"I think she suffered some psychological trauma ... she doesn't want to talk ..."

"Maybe she's just scared," Iris said

"I don't think that's the problem, as soon as I started to visit her she smiled at me and hugged me ... it wasn't the classic reaction of a frightening child ..."

"What do you think it means?"

"Maybe she's related to you" Iris said

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked

"Well she could also come from the future, maybe she is your daughter from the future, but she has no idea what happened to her"

"I don't think so," Caitlin said

"Why do you think that? Iris might be right!"

"If that had been the case, she would have done everything to stay with me, but it was practically impossible for me to get her away from Nora! He kept shaking her hand ... "

"So what do you think happened to her?"

"I have no idea! As Nora has only cuts and burns, no trace of any other kind of injury! "

"Could they have escaped from a fire? I smelled smoke"

"It was my initial idea, but the baby's lungs are clean, the smell you smelled came from their clothes, I think they are burned by friction with the air"

"What do we do with her?" Barry asked

"I'll take her to Jitters for something to eat ... you go to Nora's, if she wakes up, let me know!"

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