I thought she was dead

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"Wait, What !? What do you mean by I met her? Did she contact you? "

"No ... she came to Central City for a convention and I was in charge of her security team."

"What do you mean? Why would your biological mother need a police security team? "

"My biological mother is the Iris West editor of the third most important newspaper in the world in the future, second only to the Daily Planet and CATCO ... her official visit included an escort from the police and the captain asked me to take care of it"

"So you two met, and then you recognized her"

"No ... as I said I thought she was dead and I never saw any of her photos ... I had never met her and I didn't want to identify her with just a photo ... the only thing I knew about her was her name ... I just didn't expect that that journalist was really her! "

"So how did you find out?"

"Well ... she told me her story ... and I realized it was mine ..."


CCPD 2046

"Did you want to talk to me, Captain?" Nora asked as she entered the captain's office

"Yes detective ... I guess you read in the papers that Iris West is coming to town today"

"Yes, online is the news of the moment," replied Nora

"Well, you are in charge of her escort"

"Are you kidding captain ?! I cannot!"

"It's not a request, it's an order!"

"It usually takes days to prepare for this kind of thing!"

"Much of the work is already done! You just have to accompany Iris West and make sure nothing happens to her "

"Okay sir, when will I meet Miss West?"

"At the airport, his flight will land in 15 minutes ... I recommend you hurry! Use our best car "

"What?" asked Nora "Do I have to go by car?"

"Do you want to run there?" the captain asked laughing "Don't waste your time, and go, detective!"

Central City Airport

Nora ran into the arrivals area of ​​the airport, due to the traffic it had taken her 30 minutes to arrive in her car, she headed for the meeting point, where, waiting for her, there were 2 plainclothes officer, Iris West and her assistant

"Miss West, I'm ..."

"... Late, officer! Tell your boss that I'm no longer willing to wait to meet him! If he doesn't arrive immediately, I'll do without the escort! "

"I'm a detective, and I'm in charge of your escort! As for my delay, it is due to the fact that I was commissioned to take care of your safety only 30 minutes ago "

"Only 30 minutes? Officer I don't think this is long enough "

"The detective who should have taken care of it was forced to give up because his son was ill ... usually the VIP escort service is not my responsibility, but there is no other detective available ...

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