I love her

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"Wow ... is this how you met me?" Jessie asked, sitting on Mia's leg

"Yeah ... and when you woke up and smiled at me ... well it was one of the best moments of my life," Mia said, holding Jessie in a hug.

"Then why are you leaving?"

"Honey, I don't want to leave you and your mother ... but I have to ... I swear I'll be back ..." Mia said, holding Jessie in a hug, before opening a portal and returning to her time.

Meanwhile, in the next room

"Mom, sorry for asking, but why wasn't Jessie with Crystal?"

"Your sister is in detention for missing school for 2 weeks to go out with friends ..."

"Are we talking about the same person?"

"When they changed the school district, Crystal had to change schools ... and had a hard time making friends ..."

"She skipped school to be with those girls and not feel left out, right?"

"Yes ... She doesn't want to talk about it with me, but she agreed to do it with Becky ..."

"I'm happy..."

"What did Mia want to talk to Jessie about?" Caitlin asked

"Mia wanted to talk to her before leaving ..."

"Go where?"

"In her time ... in the past ... 2045"

"Oh ... she's not ..."

"She's not the Mia Queen from our time, she's just got engaged to John ... she said we could get back together, but she couldn't screw up the timeline, so ..."


"So she said she would live her life up to now and then she would come back to me ..."

"Wow ..."

"It's absurd, isn't it? I wish I could go back with her, I missed her very much ... She keeps saying that she will come back, but ... I don't know what to do ... "

"You two must still be very much in love ..." Barry said, entering the room

"Honey, were you eavesdropping?" Caitlin asked with a chuckle

"Just a little ..."

"Look ... It's not the best time to talk about it, but if I don't do it now, I never will ..." Nora said, taking a deep breath "I know my biological mother didn't die when I was born..."

"Nora... we..." Caitlin began to say

"You forget that I was there when I was born ... I know the reason for your decisions ... I just wanted to tell you that Iris died tonight in the blast at the court"

"Oh..." Caitlin said, unable to find anything to say

"I found out ..." Barry said, sitting down next to his daughter

"Were you still talking to her, dad? Even after everything that has happened! " churches

"No, I haven't talked to her since before she left the hospital ... I saw her at Joe's wedding but we didn't talk.

We didn't even talk when we got divorced ... she had nothing to say and I didn't want to talk to her

I only know because I read the reports of the scene and the list of identified victims.
I thought it was just a coincidence, but among the files of the victims there was also his ... "

"Then maybe you know something more about me"

"I read that she had cardiomyopathy and her heart gave out several times in the hospital ... Iris's wife signed not to have her resuscitated after she was brought back to life 4 times in an hour ..."

"I was missing this part ... You also know that she signed not to revive her without even notifying Iris's daughter that her mother was in the hospital"

"Wait what?" Barry and Caitlin asked in chorus

"Iris has another daughter ... Her name is Lillian, she turned 17 just today ... and she learned that her mother had died, in a horrible way ..."

"Poor girl ... where is she now?" Caitlin asked

"She is still in the hospital ... we were together when we heard about the explosion ...

When we arrived we thought she was still alive but instead ...

A few minutes have passed for the physics of time travel ... I was thinking of bringing her here if that's okay with you ...

Before you say no, she has no other people to be with... her biological father has a new family and Iris's wife has never shown any interest in her... "

"Of course Lilian can come here!" Caitlin said

"That's right, he's part of the family after all ..."

"For real?" Nora asked, not sure she understood

"Nora, this girl has no fault and if what you say is true, we are her only family now ... and I know for a fact that you have already made a decision about it" Barry said.

"Yes ... I would like her to stay with me ... if she wants to ... she is 17 and could also choose to be independent ...

Then, as if that weren't enough, there is the problem of legal custody ... her father has given up on her ... and Iris's wife won't care ... but that doesn't guarantee me anything ...

Then we had just met ... I wouldn't want to ask her too much "

"You'll see that everything will work out," Mia said as she entered the room

"Sorry, but you didn't have to go somewhere ..." Nora said without even turning to look at the girl

"Nora, I had imagined different scenarios ... I certainly didn't expect this ... after all, I haven't seen you for almost a year"

"Wait what?" Nora asked, accelerating in front of the other woman with her eyes full of tears

"I'm back Nora, I'm back to you!"

"My ..." was all Nora could say before bursting into tears in the arms of her beloved.

"Honey, don't cry ... I'm here ..." Mia said, hugging her back

"Welcome back, Mia ..." Barry said

"We missed you so much ..." Caitlin said, while she and her husband joined in the hug

Present time, STAR Laboratories

"Barry, are you here? Joe asked, stepping into the vault of time

"Yes ... I was looking for information on gamma, but apparently the me of the future has denied me any access"

"I thought you wanted to spend time with Becky, at least that's what you told everyone ..."

"I was with Becky for 2 hours, but I can't sit idle while she's gone!"

"You will see that we will save Caitlin"

"I would love to believe you ..."

"Barry ..."

"Why were you looking for me?"

"Iris called ... the doctors gave her the green light ... she's leaving for London ... I'm going to the airport ... I wanted to know if you wanted to come too"

"Joe, do you think I care to say goodbye to Iris after everything she's done while the woman I love is in danger!?"

"Barry ... you just have the right to feel these things after everything that's happened ... but you're lucky I'm not reacting differently!"

"What should you be angry about?"

"You just admitted you love Caitlin!"

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