An unexpected return

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"Hi Nora, how are you feeling?" Caitlin asked as she entered the infirmary

"Hi m ... Caitlin ... I'm fine, at least I think ..."

"I'm happy to hear it!"

"Give me your arm, I'll take some blood from you for tests!"

"Okay, but hurry up ... I'm afraid of needles ... by the way, would you take my drip off?" Nora said

“Okay Nora! Nobody likes the idea of ​​having a needle in their arm! I will quickly promise! " Caitlin said softly

"Cait, why did you activate a power damper?"

"What are you talking about Nora?"

"Well I don't have my speed ..."

“Nora, I'm sorry to tell you… you won't have the speed for several hours! I have to recover my energy! "

“But I have to go back as soon as possible! I can't endanger Jessica! "

"Nora, you don't have to worry!"

"You do not know!

“Jessica is safe here with all of us! We won't let Godspeed hurt you! "

“It's not just Godspeed! One of his allies has declared war on me! I can't put you in danger! My birth is a pivotal period in my timeline! "

"Listen Nora, XS is a heroine, but Nora West-Allen doesn't have to take charge of the world alone! You're not a cop who has to arrest a criminal! "

"Listen Cait the truth is ..."

“Nora, don't argue! I am your doctor, and as such I order you not to move from your bed and for the next 48 hours you will never be able to leave the infirmary !! "

"NO ... what do you say if we do 24 hours of observation and then I can move around the city"

"I hope you're joking! I cannot allow you to take such a risk! We don't know what damage your body may have suffered! Plus, you're human right now! "

"Come on, let's go! You can't keep me locked up here! I need to get some air! "

"Nora we can't risk ..."

“Look… I'll be careful! I swear!"

"No and that's it Nora !!!" Caitlin said irritably

"Okay Cait sorry ... What would you say if I stay under observation until tonight and spend the night at home with dad?"

“Okay Nora! Now you are reasonable ... "

"Thanks Cait ... ah how is Jessica?"

“She's perfectly fine! But why do you worry so much about her? "

“She ended up in danger because of me… I have to be the one to help her! It's my job to protect you! "

“You're just like your father…” Caitlin said smiling

"What do you mean?"

“Well, you are a great person! You are sweet, kind, nice, pretty and above all you always think of others before yourself ... The other Nora was very similar to you ... she too wanted to save everyone at all costs ... even if to do so she worked with Thawne and yes erased from the timeline… ”Caitlin said, stroking Nora's forehead

"How long?" Nora asked

"For how long what?"

"How long have you been in love with my father?"

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