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"What are you talking about Iris?"

"Barry! This is not the time to joke! Eddie is in danger! He was kidnapped by a speedster dressed in yellow! The same one who killed your mother! When we talked, on the bridge, you said you would save him! "

"What are you talking about? Are you sure you're okay? You're saying nonsense! "

"Barry, I know you're the Flash! When we were on the bridge you gave me an electric shock ... just like it happened when you were in a coma ... "saying this, she took his hands as it had happened on the bridge, expecting another shock" Ok ... now nothing happens, but ... you have to save Eddie! I love him"

"Iris ... it's been years ..."

"What are you talking about Barry? It happened a short time ago "

"Iris..." Barry began to say, before being interrupted by the door swinging open

"Mrs. West-Allen!" Dr. Park said entering "You're finally awake! As much as I would like to leave you and your husband some privacy I can't do it ... I have to make sure you're okay! However, know that your daughter is perfectly healthy! Mr. Allen, you will be able to see her immediately, while you Iris will have to wait a little longer, but it won't take long, I promise "

"Barry, what does it mean to you that I'm not in the mood for jokes !?"

"It's no joke Iris ..." Barry said taking her hands and showing her their rings

"Eddie died years ago ... in 2015 ... the two of us got married in 2017 ... and now we have our daughter Nora ..."

"Barry, please stop saying these things!" Iris said starting to cry

"Iris ... honey ..."

"Get out of here!" Iris yelled


"Mr. Allen," said Dr. Park. "Maybe you better go! I'll call you later "

Barry ran out of Iris's room, sat in a chair and stood there, motionless for some time, while Joe entered the room to try to calm Iris.

"Dad... Dad," Nora said, waking Barry from his trance

"Sorry Nora ... I wasn't listening to you ... I'm worried ... what are you doing here?"

"Wally had come to the hospital, Grandpa Joe asked him to bring Mia and me here"

"Ok ..." Barry said breathing heavily "Do you know anything?"

"Not yet ... Joe is talking to Iris's doctors," Mia said

"Thanks for being here..."

"We are a family ... we won't be anywhere else!" Mia said

"Dad, Grandpa Joe is coming back," Nora said

"What did the doctors say? What's happening to Iris? " Barry asked

"Iris has forgotten all her life after Eddie's kidnapping ... according to the doctors it could be a side effect of preeclampsia combined with a strange neurological syndrome ... In a nutshell ..."

"She lost her memory and forgot about our life together ... she forgot Nora ..."

"Dad ... I'm so sorry ..."

"Did you know ... didn't you ?!" Barry said looking at Nora


"You knew it and you didn't tell me anything!" Barry yelled

"I could not..."

"What are you talking about?" Joe asked

"In this timeline Nora was already supposed to go back in time ... she knew this was all going to happen!"

"What?!" Joe asked

"That's right ... she knew about Patty's death, she knew about the problems Iris was going to have and she never thought of telling anyone"

"Grandpa, Mia ... leave us alone"

"Sure honey ... come on Joe," Mia said as she walked away

"In the future you specifically told me that if I ever traveled in time I would have to do everything possible not to affect the timeline ... you begged me not to do anything" Nora said.

"If I had known what was going to happen ..."

"You couldn't do anything for Iris! I didn't... I said the same thing to Caitlin "

"What ... she ... did she know ?!"

"She and Frost figured it out ... but Iris didn't want Caitlin as a doctor ..."

"All because she believed I was having an affair with her ..."

"Look dad, it's not your fault! It's nobody's fault"

"Where is Caitlin?" Barry asked angrily


"She is with you, right !? The newborn Nora! "

"Yes ... the doctors said they had finished the tests ... at this moment little Nora is with her and Uncle Wally ..." Nora didn't even have time to finish the sentence that Barry had already speeded up direct to pediatrics

"Barry, how are you?" Wally asked "Dad told me what happened to Iris"

"What are you doing with my daughter?" Barry asked pointing to Caitlin who was holding Nora

"The doctors finished the tests ... she couldn't stay ... they asked us to take her away ..."

"You could have warned me!"

"I did it! I called you 3 times ... "

"You shouldn't have taken her without my permission!"

"Barry calm down! I understand you care about your family, but we're talking about Caitlin! She's not some crazy thing going around kidnapping babies, "Wally said

"You stay out of it!" Barry said without even looking at him "STAY AWAY FROM MY FAMILY! IF YOU REALLY WANT A FAMILY, CREATE YOUR OWN! " he said taking Nora from Caitlin's arms and speeding away back to Nora

"Dad ... why did you bring baby Nora here?" Nora asked

"You have daughter, so you have experience with babies ... you take care of it ..." Barry said coldly handing her baby Nora.

"Are you kidding?" Nora said just as coldly "Do you really want me to take care of me when I was born?"



"Because I don't want her to be with Caitlin!"

"Because?" Nora asked puzzled

"Because it's not her family! It's mine! I don't want my daughter near that woman! "

"What would you have used as an excuse ..." Nora asked starting to get angry

"I told her to stay away from my family, and if she wanted one to make her own"

"I hope you are joking!"

"Nora, from what I understand, you come from a timeline where Caitlin has taken care of you ... that's why I don't think you should get involved."

"Precisely because she took care of me I want to be involved!"

"Listen Nora ..."


When Everything Fall Apart  (Snowbarry)Where stories live. Discover now