The Secret

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"Don't cry Nora! It's not your fault! It is not so! That evil sprinter is a fool! He even said you killed his brother! " Joe said

"Grandpa ... Nora said crying even more"

"What is it, honey?"

"I really killed her brother!"

"What? It is not possible! I know you, you would never hurt someone! " Joe said shocked by his granddaughter's revelation

"Grandpa, unfortunately, it's the truth, but it's not what you think you have to let me explain!"

"Quiet darling! I want to hear your version, "Joe said worried about Nora

"Yeah me too!" Barry said as he sped into the lounge in anger

"Dad, please calm down!" Nora said worried about her father's reaction


"Barry calm down, you have to listen to your daughter!" Joe said

"No! I don't mean to listen to a liar! " Barry said without even looking at Nora

"How can you treat your daughter like this !? I understand you're grieving Patty's death, but you can't blame Nora! "

"Joe, Nora lied about everything! About who she really is, what she did! Even on her surname! " Barry said upsetting Nora

"What are you referring to, Barry?" Joe asked

"Don't tell him anything! I beg you!" Nora said in tears "I'll explain it to you, only to you!"

"What's going on?" Joe asked

"I can't explain everything to you... not yet at least... I'll be able to do it tomorrow morning! Now please, dad, what is Gamma's next goal? "

"What makes you think Barry knows?" Joe asked

"Gamma told me who would be the first person to die... I just didn't think..." Nora said in tears

"WHAT!!!???" Barry yelled in anger "Did you know that Speedster would kill Patty !?"

"Not Patty ... my sister Becky ..."

"What?" Joe asked puzzled

"Becky and Patty are almost identical ... Gamma was chasing me and I don't think she realized she traveled back in time"

"You mean she killed Patty thinking she was Becky !?" Joe said in shock

"Yes ... Now please dad tell me what Gamma told you"

"She said she would kill the person you lost twice, the love of your life ... who is it?"

"Someone we don't have to worry about! I mean I'm the only person of the future at this time! " Nora said trying in every way to avoid saying the name of that person

"Well, you're not the only one! There is Mia Queen of 2049! I don't think it's her! " Barry said

"What are you doing here !?" asked Nora shocked "Bring her here to STAR LABS immediately!"

"Wait, what? Is Mia Queen your ex? "

"Yes... I took her twice because she left me before I could make the proposal and now she is about to marry another person!"

"How sure are you that she is the next target and not me or your mother?"

"Gamma reveals each time who his target is to psychologically torture him... The next is Mia! Please protect the woman I love! Bring her here, then tomorrow I'll explain everything! " Nora said in tears

"Okay Nora, we'll talk tomorrow..." Barry said before running off and returning after a few seconds with Mia

"What the hell are you thinking of!" Mia said trying to find her balance

"Sorry Mia, but you are in danger! I brought you here to protect you! "Barry said

"I can take care of myself!" My offense said

"This is different Mia..." Nora said

Only in that moment Mia realized that in that room with her was Nora, her Nora, or rather the one who was once her Nora

"What are you doing here?" Mia asked coldly

"It's a pleasure for me to see you again Mia! You are in danger ... I asked my father to bring you here to protect you "

"I don't need it!"

"Mia ..." Nora tried to say

"I don't need your protection! I don't need you Nora! " Mia said starting to walk away

"It's about Gamma!" Nora said in tears

"I expected it ... after all you killed his brother! I don't care about your problems! So goodbye!"

"My next on the list after you is Jessica!" Nora said starting to cry "If you don't want to do it for me, at least do it for her"

"I don't want anything to happen to her, but it was just to protect her if we're in this situation!" Mia said approaching Nora again

"I had to protect her! I couldn't afford anything to happen to her! " Nora said in tears "It's my job to protect her!"

"What are you talking about?" Joe asked

"Indeed!" Barry added. "Nora, Why are you acting like that with Jessica? Who is she really? Why do you say she's your responsibility? "

"Because Jessica is my daughter!"

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