The Revelation

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Ella P.O.V.

I jerked up to the sound of my alarm blaring for the third time this morning; It was on the floor after I had attempted to snooze it by throwing it across the room, but it still won't stop buzzing. I reluctantly got out of bed, rubbing my eyes since I hadn't gotten enough sleep last night; the thoughts of what happened yesterday with Alpha and Beta ran through my mind. I wonder what they meant by that, but I guess my doubts would be answered soon enough since I had to go meet them in an hour and a half.

I dragged myself to the bathroom, seeing myself in my pink night-dress that had hitched up, leaving me basically naked from the waist down, ugh I need to fix my act. I fixed myself up, brushed my teeth, and combed my brown hair back, which fell to my back. I quickly got in the shower, not wanting to get late, and disrespecting someone who was a higher rank than me, which was quite easy for me being an omega as almost everyone was a higher rank than me.

I quickly finished up and left to get dressed, I wanted to dress formally since getting an audience with the Alpha and the Beta was a BIG deal for any omega. I quickly put on my brown lacks and a white button-down shirt, these being the only clothes in my closet which weren't pink, a dress, night-dresses or something that my parents would consider "inappropriate"

When I told my parents yesterday about the events that unfolded, they were shocked and insisted that I dressed appropriately. Being an omega sucked, but since the rest of my family was high-ranked, it wasn't as bad for me as it could've been; I was well provided for and had a loving family.

I finished getting ready and put my hair into a low bun (ugh screw this) and headed downstairs, only to be greeted by my family at the dining table. After receiving a short lecture about not offending anyone superior in rank I left out the door and headed to the Alpha's office in the packhouse.

I skipped there with music playing in my ears and kicking pebbles out of the way, it was a relatively short walk and as soon as I was close to the packhouse, I "propered" up and walked up to the unnecessarily giant dark-oak doors.

I slowly opened the door and walked in carefully walking in, not veering around too much and heading straight to my destination. The packhouse was relatively empty due to the early hours and as soon as I was outside the Alpha's office, my heart began to beat faster.

I meant to knock, but the anxiety of what might be happen in the office held back my hand. How lovely, a mini anxiety attack. My breath quickened and my knees buckled, my mind going through a million bad scenarios that could occur meeting the Alpha. I quickly took a seat in the visitor chairs in an attempt to calm myself down but to no avail.

It felt as if all the air on the planet had run out and I was striving for a singular breath. God, I should've stayed on my meds, just as I was getting better, this had to happen. Tears threatened to leave my eyes when I heard loud footsteps nearing me and I tried to fix myself, not wanting to look weak in front of other pack members. No one other than my family and docs knew about my chronic anxiety and I meant to keep it like that.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the figure walk up to me and I put on a smile for the sake of my dignity, I will NOT be called the weak omega with anxiety. 

"Ella, what's wrong; are you okay? are you hurt?" said Beta Jaceth, getting on a knee in front of me, concern filling his tone; crap I thought I had it covered well enough.

"Yes Beta, I'm alright, just here to get to the Alpha's office," I said, quickly rising from my seat and looking aside, not making eye contact.

"Are you sure, Ella?" inquired the Beta getting up and I quickly nodded, attempting not to leave any room for any behavior that could be considered disrespectful. Strangely he calmed me down, no one other than my dad can do that. 

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