The End

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Greyson P.O.V.

A sharp and long howl from my favorite white wolf swiftly grasped all of our attention. Me and my warriors, awaiting this one final howl, this one final battle cry to set into motion- our last battle in this war, the final one to end it all. The howl indicated that now the Howler packhouse was neutral territory and no shifter could leave their human forms, all stuck as mundanes. The ace up their sleeves- the witches also rendered powerless, and soon dead now too. 

Jace slicked an arm across my shoulder, making me turn to him. With a kiss, he instructed, "Don't get too far away from me, you keep yourself safe Grey", making me grin from cheek to cheek. 

"You better not get your ass hurt by them. okay?", I said to him, and then leaned in to whisper, "Hurting that ass is my job alone" making my beautiful mate whine and blush.

As much as I enjoyed teasing and making Jace blush, now is not the time. Turning on my tips, I turned to face my warriors, followed by "Now's the time we end this. We're armed and prepared, they're not, we got this in the bag", earning cheers and agreement from my pack, continuing gutturally, "You know what? You have fucking fun ridding the earth of those pests, remember every brother and sister snatched from us and MAKE THEM PAY".

After motivating my pack for the battle, I pointed a finger towards our target territory and screamed at the top of my lungs, "MAKE THEM PAY", and that was all it took for them to rush to battle with screams of rage, and cheering for the end, accoutered in protective gear and their weapons.

With a nod at Jace, both of us too headed to battle, Jace carrying an iron mallet, but no, I didn't carry any weapons. I wanted to kill those pests with my bare hands, will that makeup for the bloodshed? I don't know- fuck no it won't.

On way, we found Cami, dressed in loose clothes after shifting back to human to join in the battle. She stopped dead in her tracks, walked up to Jace, grabbed his jaw, and pulled him in for a kiss filled with passion. 

"You keep yourself safe, pup", she said after parting with him. Hey! my nickname for him is catching on, I knew I wasn't the only one who saw his puppy eyes, she saw it too!

"You too.", she said with a sharp gaze at me followed by a wink. Fuck, this woman has left both us boys smiling like idiots within a span of 10 seconds.


(*  ̄3)(ε ̄ *)  ( a little visual depiction for my innocent ones_)


Tossing my, um- 7th? 8th? victim aside, I moved on to the next one. Having absolutely zero trouble killing and tossing these vermin aside with my bare hands, I soak in every drop of pleasure and revenge from mauling the howlers and their supporters. 

This place is way bigger than I'd expected, the howler really do fuck like bunnies to get these many fighter in comparison to past ventures.

No wonder they keep howling.

As I made my way through the maze of hallways and stairs in their packhouse, my warriors against theirs all around, I can't wait to get my hands on their Alpha. Their Alpha, the bastard who caused all this doesn't deserve a swift death, he deserves to be slowly tortured to death till he begs for it himself, but that'd be far too ignoble for me.

I miss Victor and his little taunts during battle, fuck I miss that bastard all together but I'll get him back as soon as this all ends, and luckily for me and my 'muscle building years', I don't need him to win against them hand to hand. 

Another man, thinking he could best me, dashes towards me and not a second later gets his skull bashed and bloody against the now-broken dry-wall of the packhouse. Another one bites the dust.

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