The Carnival

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Jaceth P.O.V.

45 minutes later, Cami and Ella walked up the paved driveway to our house. Saying 'our house', something that is just mine and my mates' makes me feel giddy and excited about our future. We're still just 19 with the exception of Ella, and getting our place together is a big step and makes my heart flutter about the future. 

"Imagine all the bomb sex we'll get here", Tytus chimed in.

Like a responsible person, I should upbraid him but- just think about it- fuck yeh! sex. I joined his horndog party and said, "Fuck yeah!". We snickered as Ty counted all the places and the surfaces in the house he wanted to do the deed on, and I agreed with him.

The smell of arousal came in waves from Ella and even from Cami. So- they disappear for a suspiciously long period of time, and Ella comes back to us with sex hair, I need to know what happened and I need to know now. 

As they walked in, Ella with cherry cheeks and Cami with that smug smile I've seen on Grey too many times, I think it's an Alpha thing. "I'd ask what took you guys so long, but why bother when I can smell it in the air", I teased.

This made Ella blush further adorably and hide her face in Cami's side, while Cami gave me a shit eating grin and winked at us. She kissed Ella's head and told her not to feel embarrassed about it, and that we're her mates so we're meant to do these things. 

Grey walked out of the living room to the foyer with me, with a deep breath he too figured it out and smiled at them with bright mischievous eyes. 

"Aye! no teasing my baby", Cami said teasingly to us as they walked in, and she kept a box full of her stuff down. We snickered as I stole Ella away into my own arms with kisses. 

"Someone's happy today", Grey commented, it felt good to see Cami genuinely happy. She deserves the world and I won't ever let her feel sad again after what she went through.

"Yep", she chirped, popping the P. "After we're done unpacking, you guys wanna go to the human carnival nearby?", she asked us.

"Ou carnival, yes please!", Ella said excitedly, barely holding herself back from shimmying in my arms.

"Sure love, we can go and spend the evening together", Grey added.

But I didn't just want to 'spend the evening together', I wanted more. "It's a date then?", I asked them with Tytus fully supporting my efforts.

They all sweetly chuckled at my attempts, "Sure pup, you got yourself a date then".



"You up for the big-boy rides, pup?", Grey snickered and wiggled his brows sillily as his strong hands held mine and led me through the gates of the carnival. It was loud, flashy and would give me a seizure, thus it reminded me of that party where Ellie got taken, but I tried to get past that.

"Babe, wow- you need to work on your dirty-talk Grey", I told him and watched as he pouted. Even when he trying to be stupidly sexy, he was right. I was deadly afraid of heights, which we will definitely be experiencing in this bright carnival, I think it's called Acrophobia?

I know, how manly for a Beta wolf- I'm embarrassed of it and would rather be on top of the Burj Khalifa than tell my mates about how much of a scaredy cat I am. Tytus laughed his heart out at my silly conundrum as I forced myself to keep a straight face.

Luckily for me, Ellie was my saving grace and proceeded to drag us over to the games and food section of the giant arena. These games were stupidly rigged by equally stupid and sleazy human shopkeepers, and operated by dumb teenagers on minimum wage. But still I'd rather happily get scammed than go on the rides, or as I like to call em- stupid human metal chunks of death. I mean, why would they willingly go meters up into the air with little to no safety? I mean what's the kick in that?

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