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hehehe, hello readers this is your author, I just wanted to thank you all so much for 100 reads, it means the world to me. Thank you for staying with me on this journey, so here's a bonus chapter. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

Greyson P.O.V.

The three of us headed to the clearing where the shift was supposed to happen, where I'd gotten Victor's form a year ago. Ella was really nervous about this shift since it obviously hurts like bitch, I didn't want her to feel that, but had no choice.

By the time we reached the clearing, everyone else had already gathered and we were fashionably late according to me, but fucking lazy according to my mum, but really, whose opinion mattered here? (hint- don't say my mom)

All the pack members paid their respects and were excited to see the Luna's wolf. Ella was jittery and Jace kept soothing her to prevent her from getting an anxiety attack that she told that she could get, although luckily it never happened with us around.

"Victor is bugging me to meet Marina, he's really excited", I said to Ella, who then smiled at me and nodded.

"So, is Tytus, you'll do well bub", said Jace comforting her while rubbing her back soothingly.

Suddenly a scream ripped through the air, it was the sound shifting, which was followed by a lot more screams indicating that the moon had peaked. Ella too then let out a guttural scream filled with pain, which shook my heart to its core; I hated seeing my baby in pain.

Ella had begun shifting, although the whole region was full of screams of pain and crying, my mind blocked all of it out and focused solely on Ella. I could hear her bones shifting, and she fell to ground, me and Jace followed her and stayed by her the whole time she was shifting. The process of shifting takes a lot longer for lower ranked wolves in comparison to higher ranked wolves, since she was an Omega, it would be hell for her.

Another scream ran through her and I heard her clothes beginning to rip, Tytus was howling in pain upon seeing her like this. Her body took the fetus posture and she writhed there. She looked up at with so much pain in her bright emerald eyes, looking at me to fix it, but there was nothing I could do for her.

Both me and Jace sat ourselves on the ground beside her writhing self and gently patted her making sure not to touch any spots that would hurt her. She let out low cries and shed tears as she shifted.

"You're doing so well baby, you're almost there", I whispered softly into her ear.

It was roughly 5 minutes, but felt like an eternity with her in pain when she finished shifting fully into her wolf. Her wolf, smaller than most had blue-grey fur and was eyeing us carefully, she was probably getting the hang of being a wolf. 

"So, this is my Marina", said Jace while patting the top of her wolf's head, she leaned into his touch.

She nudged at our legs, rubbing against them, asking us to shift into our wolves. Marina was probably dying to see Victor's and Tytus's true forms for the first time.

By the time Ella was done with her shifting, almost everyone around us was done and they were gawking at us with their glowing orbs of rainbow colors. Jace and I bent over and began shifting, we did it swiftly and painlessly, over time, shifting gets easier and faster.

I quickly shifted into my black wolf, while Jace shifted into his beige wolf. Marina was looking at us and came up to my wolf and began licking me, showing her affection. Jace attacked my stomach with his nuzzle too and they both tackled me to the ground constantly licking me. Ah, this is nice I thought.

I could feel the effects of the moon on everyone and decided to take everyone for the run. Ella would be by our side instead of the back because of her being Luna . I growled lowly indicating everyone that the run was about to commence.

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