A Nice Day

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Greyson P.O.V.

After the wonderful date with Ella and Jacey, I was on cloud-9, I was restless, Victor couldn't be calmed down. The most unexpected thing happened, Ella hugged me, so did Jace but it was unprecedented; I could barely hold myself back from kissing them, but it was too soon.

I got to learn a lot about Ella too, she had a lovely personality, she was just shy and, my and Jace's obnoxious high-ranked asses weren't helping her open up, but she did end up getting comfortable. She was really sweet and even taught us how to make dandelion crowns, hell Jace and I even wore them the whole time.

It felt like home during the time with them; I didn't have to be the strong Alpha; just old Grey, no pretending, no faking. They told me, my mate scent was like a crackling fire, which is kind of strange since I don't know what that is, but still sounds nice, and they seemed to like it. Victor was also nagging me to let him be with Tytus, but the date was only for us, not wolves.

Ella also took well the news of us introducing each other as mates officially, but I could tell that she did have her reluctances about it too, she didn't sit well with unwanted attention.

After I made sure that they both got home safe, I couldn't help it, I talked of it to my mom like a stupid teenager; I'm aware not the best outlet, but all these giddy feelings needed to be let out, and mom was more than happy to hear everything.

~ next day

I made my way to the pack-house since I had to talk to the war chief about the new batch of warrior wolves; I got there happy since Jace would also be there.

Then I saw him, my pup, he was talking to some of the promising candidates, since he was the Beta and was in charge of the warriors. Fuck, he looked cute while all focused and serious, As soon as I got in sensible range, he dismissed them and turned around and gave me the biggest smile, which I returned.

"You're here early", I said while making my way towards him.

"Nope, you're just late", he said.

I looked at my watch and realized that I was actually quite late, I'm never late, I'm the most punctual person I know, I was shocked.

"dreams of me, made you oversleep?" asked Jace mockingly with a smirk on his face; and I grumbled in response making him laugh.

I did actually have a dream of him and Ella, and um- not of the very godly kind; I'd gotten late cause I had to fix the little problem that they gave me with their actions in the dream. Jace was ridiculously good at guessing, but I'm glad he didn't get to know, that would've been a bit embarrassing.

 We got to my war chief, Otis, who was looking over the trainees, probably picking out the ones with potential in his head.

"Alpha, Beta", he said and slightly bowed and smile, even though our relationship was close, he still followed traditional protocol.

"Otis, how's little Drew?", I asked him.

"He's been a little bugger, neither I, nor Emily have gotten a wink of sleep since he was born.", he replied, which was understandable since newborn wolf pups do cause quite a ruckus, goddess knows the hell I made my parents pay when I was a newborn, but I've heard a shit load of stories.

"Ahh but enough about me, you're declaring officially to the pack this Sunday right?", he asked; I could tell that he wanted to further about the rumors flying around about us being mates, but he didn't pry further.

"Yep, ensure that the little bugger makes it there", says Jace earning a smile from Otis, who probably thought of his little boy and mate.

"Now onto the warriors", said Otis and began to tell us all about the new recruits.

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