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Greyson P.O.V.

"Mate", Victor growled out to me, what kind of fuckery is going on here?

"Are you fucking kidding me Victor?", I asked him.

"Question me later asshat, go to her NOW", he spat out with the usual dose of attitude tenfold, because he wanted her.

I took a step towards the angel who was looking at us wide-eyed, her eyes glossed over indicating that she was having a conversation with her wolf. She must be really confused because our situation is truly not usual, I'd be confused too if I was in her shoes.

She did not react well to my attempt to reduce the gap between us as she quickly turned the other way, shifted into her white wolf, and ran like hell. I meant to follow her, to calm her down cause I couldn't bear the thought of my mate worried like that. As soon as I tried to shift, I heard a pained grunt next to me, Jace.

Jace had tried to shift like me too, but his wound reopened in the process and his shirt stained crimson, goddess he's hurt, I couldn't possibly leave him like this. Jace quickly fell to the coarse ground as he held on tightly to his now open wound. "Jace!", Ella let out in a low but urgent whisper. Both of us quickly bent down next to our mate to check on him.

Ella gently lifted his shirt to show that only one of his several wounds was forced open by his attempt to shift, good, the damage wasn't that bad. "I'm alright", he said through gritted teeth, he clearly was not okay but put on a show for us. 

"This isn't that bad, you won't need stitches on this, why the fuck did you shift?" I asked him, made at him foolishness that caused him pain.

"Sorry, Tytus took over, got too excited over her. Wait, you felt it too right?", he said, his face still tensed up from the burning pain he must be feeling, making Victor cry out in me.

"I felt it, I think so did she", said Ella, her eyes not on us, but Jace's now closing wound as she patted his back to bring him comfort.

"Yeh, me too", I said sighing. We overwhelmed her, and now she's running from us, but goddess, really? I have not 2, but 3 mates? How many more?

"What's happening?", Aspen said, as he looked at us with a muddled expression on his face.

"Mate, she's our mate.", I said and his eyes widened at that.

"You're mated to my sister?", he practically shouted in shock as he grabbed his head tightly with his hands, his mind at work. This was the first time I'd seen him lose control like this, I was a bit shocked to his cool break, but I guess this news was pretty ground-breaking.

"Go get her please, I want her", squeaked out Jace as he was aware that he wasn't in any position to run a marathon through the woods. He looked at me with his puppy-dog eyes, which had led me to call him pup in the first place; I was gonna go after her anyways but he just seemed to further push my intentions. Ella and I looked at each other, I knew that he'd be fine with Ella and I could go get our other mate; Ella and I nodded at each other in silent agreement.

"I'll go track her and bring her back", I said to them as I bent down to shift.

I went to shift but I was immediately interrupted by Aspen saying, "It's no use, you won't be able to track her"

Why would I be unable to track her?

"What do you mean?", I asked him irritated, he obviously didn't want her with us right now, which was understandable since she was his sister, adopted later, but sister nonetheless and he was feeling protective of her. I understood his reasoning, but Victor DID NOT, he kept on screaming at me to go get her, how he wanted her and that they'd finally be complete. She is my mate, I have the right to talk to her and be close to her.

"She can cover her scent, that's what she's done right now", he replied.

"She can cover her scent?", said Ella, she was shocked and so was I, covering one's scent is a rare skill that has to be developed over the years with much work, no one even close to our age could do it. I mean it's really damn impressive that she could do it, but it just made my task of being close to her, breathing in her sweet scent just harder.

"Mhm, that's why she got in the drifters so young, she knows what is important, and she knows it well", he said with pride flowing through him.

"Why wasn't she at the ceremony?", I asked him.

"She became a drifter at 17, hasn't really been home since then, only a couple days here and there and she spent her awakening on a mission last year", he said and we nodded in understanding.

There was nothing that I could do about this, she just ran into the woods, covering up her scent. My territories ran acres on acres, there wasn't any way that I'd be able to track her only by scoping the area especially if she's hidden, what if she already left the territory? just the mere thought of this made Victor sink in the depths of sadness as he let out a dejected howl.

I took my seat next to Ella and Jace, whose wound was almost closed by now as his supernatural healing was slowly kicking in, whatever they used on their claws during the fight was fading away. All 3 of us just stared off at the spot in the forest where she'd run off to, with giant frowns on our faces, it further agitated Victor that Jace and Ellie were upset.

"Okay, listen, she is a rogue or was a rogue, nonetheless she wasn't expecting even a single mate, much less three of them, she just got freaked it's nothing personal", Aspen said in a soft voice trying to console us. I could just nod and hum in response as nothing that he could say would bring her back to us right now.

"I know where she is, but I'll only go if you don't follow me", Aspen said with a sigh which sounded more like a groan. 


"we'll get her Victor, just let me retain my composure", I said trying to console him, he must be feeling way shittier than I was since the bond was more of a bitch for wolves, and right now he was aching so bad.

"Why can't we follow you?", Ella asked him with fire in her eyes, she was pissed that he was keeping her mate away, seeing her like this was new but I liked it.

"It's her special spot, hers alone, it's not my place to tell you", Aspen said.

"Okay fine, whatever, just go get her Aspen", said a desperate Jace who was evidently feeling the worst at her absence. 

"Alright, I'll get her just take it slow with her, she's sensitive", said Aspen, concerned for her well-being, which I was too, I'd do everything I could to make sure that she felt comfortable with us.

"Just be quick Aspen", Ella said to him.

"I will don't worry Luna, please head to my house, she'll feel the most comfortable meeting you there", Aspen said to her, he was respectful towards her which Victory really liked about him.

Aspen looked at me one last time, and I nodded at him before he went behind a tree to strip and then shift into his brown wolf. He quickly ran into the forest to go get her. I was tempted to follow him, I truly was but I didn't want to drag her out of her comfort zone either.



heyyy readers, so I noticed there was a large unnecessary amount of empty space after a few of my chapters, is this true for you guys???


PLUS oooo new mate guys, more oowiiieee time for you all ;)

Hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote on the chapter and leave comments for me to read.

( *︾▽︾)

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