Warming Up

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Greyson P.O.V.

Her eyes, they're red, why does she have red eyes?

"It's good that she's awesome at fighting", said Ella as she lay on the bed as I was in the closet, putting on clothes after my shower.

"Jace filled you in already?", I questioned with a low chuckle.

"Yep", she said popping the P.

Jace was currently still in the shower after the exhausting fight, I remind myself to give him a massage after what his body went through. The battle was truly grotesque and the death count was unmeasurable, we lost some good warriors today, even though they died a death of honor, a death is still a death. I tried to stay close to Camille throughout the battle, but hell she didn't it, she sure could hold herself in a fight.

I sat on the bed next to Ellie as she made her way onto my lap and straddled me. I looked at her, so angelic I'm glad that she didn't have to witness the fight today, especially with Marina being a physic wolf.

"Well did Jacey tell you that we're meeting her tonight", I asked as I ran my hand through her hair.

"Tonight?!", she exclaimed and tried to get off my lap, but I grabbed her by her waist making her straddle me again.

"Yep tonight, princess," I said amused at her shocked expression.

"Really? where?", she questioned in a high-pitched voice.

"Emerald Lake", I replied just as Jace emerged into the room.

"Did either of you get hurt?", she questioned Jace.

He sat on the bed next to me while Ellie still straddled me and said, "nope" and leaned in to give her a gentle kiss.

"What about her? did she get hurt?", Ella asked concerned over Camille's welfare.

"Just a light gash on her leg, from what I could see", I replied.

"Light gash?", she asked again.

"It'll heal by tonight Ellie", replied Jace.

"In fact, it'll probably heal faster for her, you did see her eyes right?", he said as he leaned against my shoulder.

"Yep, she's got red eyes", I said making Ellie look at me with that shocked expression all over again.

"Red eyes? she's an Alpha?", Ella asked.

"I don't know, most probably she was Alpha bloodline before going rogue", I said as Ellie sunk her head into my chest and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

"You both should sleep for a bit before we meet her", said Ella as she looked at Jace's tired form leaning against me.

I hummed a yes before setting her down carefully, behind me. I grabbed Jace and made him lay down on the bed comfortably, he didn't resist at all so he must truly be exhausted. I lay next to him and slid an arm under him, pulling him a bit over me. Ella also made her way to his other side and lay atop him a bit.

I kissed him on the cheek since I felt really bad seeing pup so exhausted, but hopefully, some sleep will prepare him to meet her tonight. Just the thought of seeing her again had Victor howling and forced a smile at thoughts of her, I truly did want her, I truly did want my mate.


(intermission to tell you, that I'm awesome)


I woke up to the sound of Ella calling out our names, guess it was time to wake up. I underestimated how tired I was since I was out like a light within minutes of laying down. I noticed the weight of pup sprawled over me snoring lightly and drooling. The sight made Victor go off Alpha mode and coo at the appearance of our mate like that. 

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