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-One year later-

Greyson P.O.V.

I heard a knock at my office's door, I knew who it was, I was expecting Otis; I'd much rather not be doing this today, since it was the awakening today, Ella would get her wolf today. Jace was with her today, but I was stuck here cause Otis said that it was an Emergency.

I couldn't believe that it'd been a year since I got Jace and Ella, time slipped through my hands like sand and I wanted to cherish every second with them. Victor was being a bitch and wanted nothing but to be with Ella, meet her wolf.

"You can mate now that she's got her wolf", said Victor in my head.

"Shut it, stop thinking with the organ between your legs, use the one between your ears; she'll probably take some time to adjust to her wolf", I reverted; we hadn't mated yet since we wanted, Ella to get her wolf before we took that step; but that doesn't mean that we haven't done other STUFF ;)

A second knock at my door broke me out of my mental conversation with Victor.

"Yes, come in Otis"

Otis walked into my office holding some documents and smiled at me kindly, which I reciprocated.

"Alpha, sorry to keep you held up during the awakening, but this couldn't wait", said Otis.

I nodded and motioned for him to sit, "It's alright Otis, tell me what's so important?"

He pulled up a paper, which was a map of my territory, along with that of neighboring packs. He had made some inscriptions of the map towards the pack border shared by us and 'The Howlers'; those loud bastards.

"Alpha, here along the border, Howler warriors have been stationed, upon questioning, they said it was a routine exercise, but this is far too unnatural", said Otis pointing at where the warriors had been stationed.

Goddess, could this mean WAR? no, I don't want another damn war, the first one had stolen enough from me and the pack. I couldn't help but remember all the fighting in my head of the war, the rotten stench of dead bodies, the smell of dried blood, the guttural screams that ran rampant and, and, my dad's head being sliced of his body in front on my eyes. 

"Could this mean war Otis?", I asked praying that it wasn't true.

"Alpha, it's too early to tell, but yes, possibly", he said.

"Very well then, prepare the war provisions, just in case; but don't let the word get out, let the people enjoy the awakening", I said with a sigh.

Otis knew very well that I hated war, maybe even was afraid of it. Otis had lost too much in the last war too.

"Alpha, rest assured, if war is declared we will be victorious, those howlers don't even stand a chance", he said, probably trying to lift my spirits.

"I know Otis, it isn't defeat that I'm worried of, but war; it just causes unnecessary suffering". I said in a sad tone.

"I'll come and survey the situation myself tomorrow, and send out Drifters to check if the howlers have any dirty tricks up their sleeves", I said.

"Yes Alpha, I'll do that; and congratulation, the Luna is getting her wolf today, right?", he said.

"Yep, and I want to be with her, so if this is all I'll leave", I replied, happy at the mention of Ellie.

"Of course Alpha, I'll see you tomorrow", he said and quickly left.

 why must people wage unnecessary wars.


As I was climbing up the stairs to Jace's room, where he and Ella were; I could hear their voices giggling and laughing, over something stupid I bet. Over the year, Ella had really opened up to us and I couldn't be more grateful.

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