Just A Kiss

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Camille P.O.V.

Where is she? 

This was the first thought that came to mind when I woke up from that deep sleep, surprisingly without any pain. Ella- she hugged me last night, she helped so much with the pain and I honestly miss having her in my arms. The first time I got my mate in my arms and I couldn't even hold her properly.

Thinking about my mate I remember- Jace, crap he seemed so pissed at me, I didn't want my mate angry because of me. I needed to immediately get to him and explain my being distant to him, I needed to justify this- but what would I say? What reason do I have for not being with them, other than my own insecurities getting to me?  Now I'm a bad mate because I can't get over myself and my pointless, stupid insecurities.

I grazed my hand over the spot Ella had cuddled into me, the feeling- I'll never forget. Her tiny body in my arms, she just fit perfectly into me and I never wanted to let go of her. Her scent is faint- fainter than it should be, wait- how long has it been?

The knob on the door of the banal and plain infirmary room shuffled and clicked open, followed by the door being pushed open revealing- Aspen! 

"Cami, thank the goddess you're okay", said Aspen with a smile that reeked genuine emotion, as he walked over to my bed and put his arms around me. I tried my best to not gag at the name of her- well the goddess, how is it because of her that I'm okay? I hugged Aspen back and sought comfort in his warmth because even though I won't admit it- getting hexed by that blonde witch did shake me up.

I thought I knew pain after what happened- but this was on another level. It felt like someone had replaced all the blood in my body with shards of glass and then proceeded to chuck me into an industrial shredded- yes, that bad. It was so bad that I even couldn't respond to my mate and caused him to get upset- stupid Cami. 

Oh, I needed to get things right but- how?

"Cami? are you alright there?", said Aspen, distracting me from my train of thought, and I looked at him with big fazed eyes.

"Yes- are you okay?", I said back instinctually.

"You looked a bit lost there for a second. Um- anyways is the pain gone?", he asked as he sat down next to me on the bed.

"Yeh- gone sooner than expected", I replied as I looked towards the door- secretly hoping for my mates to come in but why would they?

"Sooner?", said Aspen in a high questioning voice, followed by him saying- "It's been three days Cami, three days since you haven't woken up". THREE DAYS? well, that explains Ella's faded scent, and my body and hair feeling itchy because of not having showered.

"I thought it'd been a day- just a day", I said sincerely as I tried to contemplate the time shift.

"No- it's been three days- I missed you Cami", he said as he leaned back on the bed to run his hands through his short, tight curls and in the process revealing his neck- well now marked neck. Crystal and he finally marked each other- it'd been too long, the thought of him happy with her brought a smile on my face.

He noticed me staring at his mark and tried to hide the blush that had currently engulfed his cheeks, and said "Yeh- and THAT happened". As much as I did NOT want to know about my brother's sex life, I was glad they marked each other.

"Gross", I teased him and feigned gagging while pointing a finger towards my mouth.

"Gross- oh okay, well you have three mates so you'll do the triple gross", he said back, and even thinking about doing something like that with Grey, Ella and Jace made me feel embarrassed, anxious, and amused too. Will our relationship even reach that point, where I can even think about marking them?

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