Claiming Territory

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Greyson P.O.V.

"Sorry, I ruined the mood. We could've been having fun on the beach", Cami said softly with guilt swimming in those pretty brown eyes of hers.

"Hey! quit it, this isn't your fault and you didn't ruin the mood", protested Jace as he ran his fingers up and down Cami's face lovingly.

"I'll kill whoever did this to you Cami, I just need a name", I said as I drew her over to me tightly holding her body against my naked chest, loving her bare skin against mine. Victor bubbling within me at the sight of his mate hurt, hurt when we couldn't be there for her. I felt the urge to kill and I felt it bad.

With a deep breath to gather herself, my brave mate spoke so low that it was barely audible, "Already took care of that"

"Good", I growled out running my hands wherever they could reach, "You're fucking beautiful", I whispered in her ear making an immediate smile replace the guilty look. "Still up to going to the beach, love?", I asked her, her comfort my top priority.

She nodded and said, "Yeh, yeh let's go" making Jace whoop, but Ellie still looked sad.

Cami took it upon herself to gather Ellie in her arms, making her look into her eyes and asking, "What's got you bothered, princess?",

"Are you- are you hurting Cami?", she uttered, on the verge of tears.

"No, not anymore, not when I'm around you", Cami replied truthfully.

Taking a minute compose herself with Cami's arms wrapped around her, Ellie said, "Beach time then?" making us all smile widely at her and nod.

"Okay let me just grab my sandals and we'll leave", said Ellie, referring to the shoes right in front of us, next to the full-body mirror. Bending down to grab the sandals, giving us a vivid view of her supple ass.

The three of us ogled shamelessly as our girl bent down to get her stuff, taking in every detail of her body like it'd come on a test tomorrow. And hell if I wasn't gonna ace that. As Ellie looked up to the mirror and noticed our lurking gazes on her ass, she gasped, stood up, and turned to look at us with a 'glare'.

"Not even trying to be subtle?", she said sassily, exciting me.

"Why should we be subtle in looking at our mate?", I reverted with a smirk.

"You mean looking at my bum?", she reverted just as sassily as before.

"It's mine, is it not?", I asked her, enjoying watching the red trail its way up her shoulders all the way to her cheeks. Noticing that she wasn't gonna continue, too flustered to speak, I continued "We can either go to the public beach or our private one, back of the house"

"Right now let's go to the public one, more stuff to do over there. We can visit the private one later tonight when it's calmer.", replied Cami making us all nod in understanding.



With a screech, Ellie dug her fingers into my back holding on tight. "I told you I can't swim!", she screeched into my ear again. 

"And I told you to let go, I won't let you drown", I said to her while gently loosening her hold on my back to gather her body into my arms.

"Easy for you to say, you know how to swim!", she started again but allowed me to pick her body up and hold her against my chest.

"Just trust me angel and have fun, quit worrying we're all here and won't let you drown", I said to her making her nod and loose her koala-grip from my torso.

"We don't have to go into deeper water princess, you wouldn't drown here even if we let you go", Cami said to Ellie as she swam over gracefully.

"No don't let me go", Ellie huffed out.

"You know we'd never let you go", Cami said truthfully and I grunted in agreement.

After about thirty minutes of trying to get Ellie to swim, and failing miserably we decided to head back over to the sunny beach. The swim was fun and we goofed around in the water, I got to know both Cami and Jace are fucking awesome at swimming since I could barely hold them back from entering dangerous waters.

"See, this is nice and dry", Ellie said as I wrapped her towel around her to dry her off as much as possible before she sat on the folding beach chairs. Cami and Jace too got out to join us on the beach, apparently done trying to drown each other.

They looked so fucking sexy with their damp hair flowing with the wind as I finished drying Ellie up. The beach wasn't too crowded so there were no distractions or threats to grab my attention away from my mates. All of me for  them.

"You know what happened the last time I left you at a beach?", Cami asked Jace as she stood facing him.

"Yeh?", Jace replied nervously with a blush.

"Well we gotta make sure that doesn't happen again, don't we pup?", Cami asked with a corner of her lips tilting to form a smile.

"How- how Cami?", muttered out Jace, one hand rubbing the back of his head.

"Let me show you", Cami whispered into his ear before grabbing the back of his neck to bring him closer to us. Focusing on Jace's neck bobbing in anticipation of what was about to happen before bringing her lips to his neck, beginning to kiss and nip at it. I watched with my mouth open as Cami skillfully kissed her way around Jace's neck, using her teeth occasionally to mark Jace's neck with hickies.

By the time she was done, Jacey was on the verge of letting out loud moans in response to her assault. Stepping back to admire her handiwork, Cami smirked when she saw Jace's pretty neck decorated with her marks, marking him as hers and not letting anyone even lay their eyes on our pup. 

Commonly done by shifters to mark their territory before officially marking their mates, I found the concept hot with a capital H. Fuck, I wanna dig my teeth into his pretty little neck so bad and Victor grunted in agreement too. I want to mark not just Jace, but all my mates so bad but I gotta give them the time they need, go at their pace and not rush.

Trailing a finger across the purple marks, she commented "Mhm, much better. Everyone knows you're mine now."

Then she turned around to usher Ellie away to sit under the umbrellas, leaving Jace dazed and very obviously hard in the middle of the beach. Victor on the other hand was just loving seeing pup like this, dazed and flustered and shy. 

"Come here pup", I said as I opened my arms wide to usher him away too and he practically ran over to me, hiding his pink cheeks in his arms. We walked over to the chairs where Cami had Ellie propped on her lap.

They were happily chatting away, Ellie playing with Cami's hair and Cami 'discreetly' had a hand on Ellie's ass protectively. Pup also shimmied over there to join them, wanting to know how to do Cami's hair with Ellie, his neck still glittering with Cami's marks. This is fucking perfect, the prefect day out with my mates.

But what about those who died, their families mourning while I'm here having the time of my life. 


hellou turtlesss

how are you all- HOW WERE YOUR DAYS.

sorry for the delayed update I was out.

hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to VOTE.



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