Never Again

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Ella P.O.V.

My eyes were still moist from the tears, sniffles still going on but I managed to get enough strength to ask them, "What's going on?".

In response, Cami held on to me tighter in her arms while Grey answered, "You're in heat baby" in a strained voice. That didn't make sense to me, nothing did right now. The world seemed like it was spinning right before my eyes while a heat clouded my mind hindering my ability to think right now, if that wasn't enough I felt so needy and dependent on my mates. That pill helped but I still feel hot and needy.

I could only hum in response and allowed my head to fall back on Cami's shoulder as she took me out of that room. I couldn't stand being in that room with what could've happened if Cami and Grey were even minutes late, did the man lose control because of my heat? stupid.

"Home-", I demanded from them barely comprehending them walking towards a truck with me in Cami's arms. 

"That's where we're going, Angel", Cami said and I nodded. I still felt like crying for some reason that my cloudy and muddled brain couldn't even make out right now, it didn't help that Marina kept crying out for her mates too right now.

Grey opened the door of the truck for us and Cami entered the passenger seat still holding me. Neither of them felt like leaving me alone right now either, that's good I wanted them to stay close.

As Grey got into the driver's seat and started the truck, Cami placed me in her lap and clung tight. Then we drove off, to the rental I guess but it'd have to do, I would get back to Jace too.

"Jace?", I asked.

"He's at home right now love, he's in heat like you too", Grey told me. I didn't know that guys went into heat too, but hey at least he's with me in this.

"Okay-", I muttered out in a whisper.

Grey's t-shirt around me felt comfortable, I was practically swimming in the loose fabric I felt airy and soothing against the heat of my body, my own bottoms, on the other hand, felt constricting and I wanted them gone. I thought I heard something about clothes feeling uncomfortable on wolves when they were in heat.

Involuntarily I let out a whimper at that, my mind too hazy to comprehend my own action. A growl from my left made me aware of Grey's reaction to that. He looked angry- not at me, at himself? 

His strong hands clutched the steering wheel in a death grip and it seemed that it'd snap under the pressure, from the corner I could see the red of Victor's presence looming in. No- not right now.

Fortunately, to save the situation Cami chimed in calmly, "Grey, switch seats, come here and hold Ellie".

He probably needed that really bad because he quickly pulled to the side of the road and switched seats with Cami, holding me instead now. With how big he was he had, we had to shift our seat back a bit but his presence was equally soothing as I curled up into his bare chest and shut my eyes.

Cami drove us home while I rested.



I was awoken again and realized that we were already back in the rental and I was currently being handed back over to Cami. 

"Take her Cami, I won't be any good right now. I don't want to lose control with her with the heat and stuff, plus Jace needs me too", said Grey sadly with a sigh. 

"They're both on pills, you won't lose yourself love. It's just a couple days and then we can go back to how we were.", she replied while he reluctantly agreed and then left to wherever I could only guess Jace was.

As I was taken into a room, not the main room where the four of us slept but into my own room, Cami said "You up princess?".

I looked up at her and nodded as she placed a kiss on my forehead.

"You feel up to a bath?" she asked me.

Since my brain was hardly working I asked her, "Why?"

"Princess, you still smell like the nightwalkers and their men. And, taking a bath will help with the heat.", she replied while cupping my cheek with her hand.

Well, their scent had rubbed off in me and I was disgusted by it, but even the thought of being alone right now brought tears to my eyes. Bathing felt like a whole task with how exhausted and hurt I felt, I couldn't do it.

Unknowingly I did start crying and made Cami worry again. "What it is baby?", she asked worrisomely.

"Come with me?", I asked her, barely being able to voice my thoughts over the tears. I trusted Cami and knew she wouldn't do anything to make me feel bad right now, and I truly did not want to be separated from her right now.

"You want me to come with you in the bath?", she asked again, slowly enunciating each word, making sure that I understood what I'd asked for and I nodded a yes. She then silently and quickly took me into the bathroom and sat me down on the counter.

Turning on the faucet with the hot water, she began filling up the tub and then walked up to me to begin undressing me. She took the bottom corner of Grey's shirt and pulled it over my head to take it off. Her eyes narrowed down on my torso with a frown, when I looked down myself, I saw a wound that we'd missed, from when they took me away from that party.

Even my wrists had burn marks on them from the silver and she decided to clean these wounds up first. Taking out some rubbing alcohol and cotton balls from a cabinet, she quickly and surprisingly painlessly cleaned my wounds up earning only slight whimpers out of pain. After finishing up on those and making sure I wasn't injured anywhere else she also took my jeans off my pale legs.

Looking into my eyes for permission, which I gave her with a nod she also took off my underwear and, picked me up to lower me into the bath after making sure that the water wasn't too hot.

It felt so nice and warm, the bath really did help. My muscles felt relaxed and I stopped feeling the urge to jump my mates' bones briefly. Making myself comfortable against the edge of the tub, Cami also sat on right next to tub.

Bringing up some soap on a loofah, she asked, "May I?" and I of course said yes to her.

The next few minutes were spent in heaven as she used the loofah and her hands to lather my body up while massaging it slowly. She avoided my wounds while using her skilled hands and even steered away from parts of my body where I might feel uncomfortable right now. Chivalrously she also kept sneaking in looks of my expression to make sure I was fine with what she doing and not even a bit uneasy.

Noticing my relaxed expression she cheekily asked me, "Enjoying yourself?" while chuckling to herself.

I gave her a bright smile in response and she continued now with a sad expression, "Princess why did you leave that house?"

I felt stupid telling her this but I knew if I didn't she'd just blame herself instead, "I-  I felt hot and needy. I wanted to do things and just thought that some fresh air would set my head straight.". The early symptoms of heat had started to hit me and I instead of telling them about it decided to leave them like an idiot.

She gave me and understanding nod and said, "That's fine princess, just- never leave me again"





yes you're allowed to be missed at me for the bein AWOL for so long but I just couldn't get myself to write.
hehe sorry

but hey, lemme know your thoughts on this chapter and kindly vote if you liked this chapter.

bbye till next time.

( ̄┰ ̄*)

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