One Last Time?

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Jaceth P.O.V.

Pain, burning pain is all I felt when I let the darkness take over me; claiming me completely.

I lightly flickered my eyes open, the stinging lights overhead hurting my eyes and head; after a few attempts, I adjusted to the stinging white lights on the panel above my head. White panels covered my field of vision, what happened? I looked down at my body, bandages covering most of my torso while my lower half was covered with a white sheet.

I turned my head around to see myself in a room, with absolutely no colors, the monochromatic theme not sitting well with me, ugh the infirmary. I shifted my head to the left to find Grey lying on a couch with Ella on his lap, both with their eyes shut and heartbeats stable. Grey laid there shirtless, his face tense while Ella lay on top of him, his chest to her back; Ella was wearing a white dress soaked in blood, is she hurt?

"Welcome back to the land of the living", said Tytus to me.

"What's going on Ty", I asked confused.

"You got hurt in the battle, they used wolfsbane under their claws so now your wound will heal at a mundane speed, good luck with that", he replied.

"Are they fine?", I asked looking at my sleeping mates.

"Yes, just worried for you, you lost a lot of blood and fainted on them", he replied in a sad tone.

I hummed in response to him, feeling guilty of making them worry for me, I should've been more careful. My throat felt dry, I wanted water so I tried to sit up to reach the glass of water on the bed stand. 

I tried to get up but the pain in my abdomen flared through my body making me let out a pained grunt and held onto my head. Why is my head bandaged? and WHY IS MY HAIR SHORT? My groan of pain woke up Grey, who in turn accidentally woke up Ella by his movement.

"Jace", cried out Ella in a high tone and instantly got off Grey and headed to my bed. She grabbed my hand, and kissed both my cheeks, "You're okay", she said.

"Yes baby, I'm alright", I replied as Grey rose from his place and made his way to me too.

"Pup, do you feel alright", he asked, worry and distress lacing his usually cheery tone as he cupped my face.

I nodded and grabbed his hand, kissing it. Ella climbed onto the bed with me, needing to be in contact with me, which frankly I did too.  She lied next to me making sure that she didn't touch anywhere near my wound and cause me to hurt, as she nuzzled into my neck.

"You scared me pup", said Grey while sitting next to me and playing with my fingers; all my pain disappearing when they came near me.

I sighed and guilt came rushing once again, "I'm sorry", is all I could get out.

"Don't be, just worried about you, now that you're okay all's good", he said squeezing my hand reassuringly. 

I nodded and tried to pass a smile to him, enjoying the feeling of Ella's head in the crook of my neck, I leaned down and kissed her forehead trying to get her to feel better. She has a physic wolf, this must really be crushing her, I felt terrible for hurting her like this but glad that she or Grey didn't get hurt during the battle.

"Why's my hair gone", I asked missing the feeling of the weight of the hair on my head.

"Um, well it wasn't visible to us at the first glance, but you also had a laceration on your head, so the healers had to cut your hair short to treat it", said Ella.

I understood but didn't have to like it, I spent almost a year growing it that long, but Oh well, It'll grow back, it's okay. AHH, I'm lying it's not okay I liked my hair.

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