A Tiring Day

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Jaceth P.O.V.

"Wow, how'd you manage to snag a Beta fucking wolf?", I heard a voice but pretended to be asleep still, I sensed them to be human but they could be armed.

"Saw him in the woods, tranqued that dog on sight", another man said earning guffaws from his teammates.

"Could fetch a good price, we eat good tonight boys", said a third man. Shit, they're a big group, traffickers. They sell the supernatural to the few humans who know about us, and even witches and shit sometimes. I fucking hate traffickers.

"Could? nah it definitely will boss. We're rich men tonight!"

More enthusiasm from the room, the boss said, "Alright men, take it easy for a bit. We dispatch the mutt in a few hours, I've called Tara"

Not good. Not good. I still feel week from the Tranq that they shot me with. Not fucking good at all.

"Ty, you okay?"

"Am tired and sleepy, Jace I wanna go home. Can't shift when so tired'

Like is said- not good at all.

"It's fine Ty, you can go to sleep. I'll figure something out", I reassured my wolf. He hummed and rolled over in sleep. The silver chain on my leg prevented me from calling my mates, I'm too weak to shift, basically a fucking sitting duck.

I don't wanna be taken away from my mates- no.

Stupid me, got caught. Too lost to notice humans.

"Hey man, you saw his hand twiching?", man number one said in a gruff accent I couldn't figure out.

His companion inspected me closer, lightly kicking my hand to evoke a response. "Um- I didn't man, you did? you positive?"

"Yeh pretty sure, get the tranq- just in case, you never know with these wolves. My cousin once got his entire side clawed off when one of them woke up mid-deal", he said and I felt him shudder. My heart dropped too, I didn't want to be tranqued, anymore than I already was.

Goddess help me please.

I felt a sting on the back of my neck. fuck.

I didn't know what was going to happen, but I prayed that my mates and pack find me. I heard Ty whimper and fight before finally being put to sleep. I wanted to cry for my mates but I was too tired to do that. Getting even more tired by the moment.

It all felt to heavy.

I wanted to be at home with my mates.

Darkness crept in and I couldn't fight it.



 "He's waking up! Look!"

I felt groggy and sleepy, and irritated to be honest. This didn't feel like a dark kidnapper's dungeon, this felt warm and nice and familiar. This felt like home. With much difficulty and Ty's help I opened up my eyes.

I looked up to see our living room, at home. 

Thank the goddess.

I would've been an awful bitch to some rich old human.

I heard the sounds of the fireplace and someone working in the kitchen. I heard my parents talking, fuck they're here. I'm dead. I felt movement around my chest and looked down to find Ellie attentively looking at me.

She was tucked against my chest, and used her hands to support herself off it. Her sweet eyes stared at me for a solid minute, unmoving before I saw tears in them. Her lip wobbled and nose scrunched up as she continued to look at me, tears flowing freely now.

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