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Ella P.O.V.

Upon hearing the hostile growl, the wolf who had its teeth dug into my throat, unlatched, and turned its face towards the source of the familiar sound. With the weight of the wolf still crushing me added to the burning pain in my throat, it was extremely painful to even move my head towards the sound.

As the wolf on top of me jumped off and headed towards the strange wolf, I finally was able to turn my head around to see a white wolf with red eyes.


Cami's here, she'll help, she won't let me die, but even for her these many wolves against one is tough- goddess I hope she doesn't get hurt whilst fighting them. I could feel the blood dripping from my wound onto the ground, spreading to my cheek. Marina was crying out of pain and fear but was also relieved to see Cami, if we die we at least get to see her one last time.

Her red eyes are filled with so much anger and rage, that I almost don't recognize them- they look foreign. She growled at the intruders, pushing them away with just her Alpha voice, she made her way towards me.

Her eyes turned to those of sorrow and sympathy as they met mine, crap- I must really be looking beat up to make her lose her poker face. She once again growled out at them, making them get ready to attack her.

The rust-colored wolf was the first one to attack her, it stupidly went head-on towards her. She quickly step out of the way, making the wolf lose its balance fall, which gave her the chance to jump on top of the wolf. Cami's teeth made their way into the wolf's throat- just like its teeth had made their way into mine, it almost felt like revenge.

The wolf yelped under her as she tightened the deadlock, finally taking away its life.

Another wolf cried out as it jumped to fight her, which she also evaded and clawed at it. As the fighting continued I began to feel light-headed because of the blood loss and my breath became hitched, I had to fight to keep my eyes open.

As she was done with the second wolf, two more jumped on top of her attacking her from opposite sides. One wolf dug its teeth into her rump making her yelp in pain from the bite. By now Marina was full-on wailing at her pain- it's not her fault she's a psychic wolf and experiences every emotion tenfold the normal wolf, but it sure is a bother.

Cami freed herself from the wolf's jaw and bit back at it, as the second wolf tried to claw her. She then somehow managed to cut into the first one's throat and had blood staining all of her white fur, she looked scary even to me. As the second wolf tried to claw her, she swiftly turned around and clawed its throat out by multiple gruesome gashes.

The fear was evident in the remaining wolves as they seemed hesitant to fight her, but on the other hand, Cami looked at them in an animalistic manner, like she was hungry for their blood. This time she was the one to pounce on one of the wolves and before it could even react or move out of the way she tore its head off, which landed a few feet away.

Cami's movement didn't seem very coordinated or strategic now, meaning that her wolf had taken over, it was now just Aurora. Wolves only forcefully take control of the body when the emotions that either party feels, are too overwhelming- was seeing me in pain overwhelming enough to push Aurora out?

Aurora now circled the 2 remaining wolves, like they were her prey now, it almost seemed like she was mocking them. She pounced on top of a brown wolf, all the while maintaining eye contact with the last wolf- the dark-gray one who blocked my way earlier. She didn't even bother to look down at the brown wolf as she clawed its throat out, she simply stared at the dark-gray wolf cynically.

As the last one remained, its fate was already set against my mate- I was proud of her. The dark-gray wolf tried to run away from her, but she was too quick and blocked its way. She then got on top of it and clawed at its body, not its throat this time- did she want this to hurt that bad? 

She kept on clawing at its body, its stomach, chest, abdomen, till the wolf stopped squirming in pain beneath her and went motionless. She got off and growled out at its lifeless and mutilated body one last time. Aurora looked at me with sympathetic eyes, then howled out calling Jace and Grey for help.

Aurora shut her eyes for a good second, and when she reopened them, she had passed the control back to Cami. Cami looked at me with pain in her eyes which cause me further pain, she walked up to me and began assessing my wound with sorrowful eyes. 

She looked at me, to ask for permission which I gave her by nodding to the best of my abilities under pain.

She began to lick my wound clean- common practices in wolves to heal close friends, family, or mates, it's considered very intimate so she asked me for permission before doing it. While she licked my wound her eyes stayed trained on it, and mine stayed trained on the beautiful face of her wolf, who regardless of the blood caking her, still looked beautiful to me. She was hurt too when that wolf bit her rump- does she feel better now? is her wound healed already?

It tickled me, her licking and made me want her to kiss it better- like a preschooler, but it was tempting. Cami all of a sudden stopped licking as her ears perked up, she looked off at the distance with hope and recognition in her eyes.

Them their scents entered my nose- Jace and Grey were here, they heard her call for help.

"Goddess Ellie", said Jace with a very concerned expression on his face as he knelt down next to me. 

Cami howled out again- this time to the healers, for them to bring a stretcher for me.

I tried to smile and talk to him, I wanted to reassure my mate, to put an end to his misery of concern but I couldn't talk, it hurt bad. I noticed that breathing was becoming harder for me, I hope the healers get here soon, I don't want to die and make my mates suffer through the pain of losing a mate.

"Shh. Don't try to talk baby, the healers will be here any moment", said Grey as he knelt down next to the pool of my blood on the ground, and cupped my cheek. He tried to pass a smile at me which was so obviously and painfully fake, but at least I get to see him smile. Seeing all of them so upset finally made the dam of my tears break down as I began to silently cry out.

"You'll be just fine baby girl, you just stay awake for me, okay?", said Grey in a pained voice that was repressing a myriad of emotions, well mostly anger but also pain and sorrow for me. He then grabbed my lifeless hand and brought it up to his lips to kiss it again and again. 

What Grey asked me to do was proving to be harder and harder as black haze entered the corners of my vision, gradually and slowly spreading and putting me to sleep. The adrenalin was wearing off as the burning pain in my throat became so much more intense. I turned my eyes to look at Jace who was crying, I don't want Jace to cry especially not because of me.

As Jace shed silent tears I could smell the healers coming closer and closer to us, they were finally here. As Grey pulled a crying Jace away from me and off the ground to let the healers operate on me.

"We'll take care of you Luna", in a feminine voice is the last thing that I heard before the darkness took over and I fell unconscious.



hie hie turtles

how are you all today


I really appreciate all the comment ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

ohno poor Ella- FACK.

Till next time o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ 

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