White Marks

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Camille P.O.V.

"Since we're gonna go to the beach, I got you some little gifts", said Grey as he shuffled around in his room for said 'gifts'.

"We don't have beach clothes, genius", said little love sassily, focusing on the beach part and not the gift part.

"You hold that thought princess", he said before turning around, his hands still behind his back clasping onto something while he smiled giddily at us.

"SHOW ME", demanded Jacey who was trying to get a peep of the gift by twisting and turning before I caught ahold of him and tied him down to the couch with my arms.

"Well, you three didn't know we were gonna be here so you didn't bring beach clothes. So I took the liberty to get you some, I- I just got what I thought you'd like but we can also get something else if you don't like em", said Grey before handing us elegantly packaged boxes from a probably very high-end store based on its features.

He got us swimming clothes? shit.

"mine first, mine first", squeaked Ellie and opened up her box, threw away the unnecessary amounts of tissue paper covering the actual clothes and revealed her little costume to us. It was absolutely perfect for little love, it was hot but muted shade of pink with little pixelated cherries covering the top and the bottom.

"Think about how cute her little ass will look in that thing", said Aurora enthusiastically to me forgetting a very important fact, making me dull down her euphoria.

"What about us Aurie?", I asked her, not receiving a response this time, I knew she had no answers or words of consolation for me, and I- I'm gonna pretend I'm okay with it.

"You know me so damn well!", chirped out Ellie before running over to Grey and engulfing him in a hug, landing a thousand kisses accompanies with 'thankyou-s!!!'. "This is perfect, I'll go put it on quickly", Ellie said as she shimmied out of the room to her own, to put on the bikini set that would no doubt look lovely on her.

"She's like an excited little puppy", commented Jace making Grey and me turn to him with amused looks.

"That so? pup", I asked before urging him to his box and saying, "Your turn". He happily nodded and repeated the same process of unwrapping as Ellie did with a giant smile imprinted on his handsome mug.

Holding red swim-briefs in his hand with a skeptical look on his face. He surveyed the briefs back and front, turned it around and up-and-down. With a raised brow he asked Grey, "Where is my ass supposed to hide?".

Taking in a deep breath and a moment to think, Grey replied nonchalantly, "It's not" with a smirk.

Hell, this guy can be thick sometimes because he just stood there with his head tilted, in anticipation of an elaboration. "Pup- I want to, I want to see your ass so I got you a swimming-suit on the skimpier side", Grey spelled it out for the clueless pup.

"Oh. -Well I'll go change I guess", said Jace meekly with a shy smile and pink cheeks before exiting the room, leaving just the two of alone. With a look towards my box, I was instructed to open it and I complied.

Removing the lid and the unfathomable waste of paper, I revealed lo and behold, a black two piece swimsuit. I tried to cover up the disappointment and uneasiness in my chest with a toothy smile. It was very modest by all means and anyone would look absolutely lovely in it, anyone but me. 

"Do you like it?", asked Grey, visibly nervous and I wasn't gonna ruin his perfect trip and this thoughtful surprise with my stupid self, so I did what I do best and faked a smile that'd convince the best of body-language experts that I was genuinely happy. "I love it, thank you so much babe", I muttered quickly, kissed his cheek and went away to my room, rather my bathroom to change. 

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