Flashing Lights and Loud Music

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Jaceth P.O.V. 

"You really think that it's a good idea to go to a stranger's house party?", Cami huffed out sarcastically, arms crossed against her chest.

"Yep, sounds like a perfectly good idea to me", I say back with a toothy smile making her roll her eyes at me.

"I don't think it's a great idea either. Where did you get the invite anyways?", Grey asked with a scowl.

"The beach", I said and then elaborated " It's the opening of their frat-house so some college kids are throwing a party to celebrate".

Seeing that Cami and Grey were still not convinced to go, Ella gave them her best puppy eyes and said, "We never get to have the college experience. Please, I wanna go and see what humans do in their colleges and frat parties".

"Stop being old people" I said under my breath but still loud enough for them to hear, earning me a sharp glare from them both.

Both of them began contemplating about it after what Ellie said, I mean I'm sure they don't want us to miss out on experiences that could be fun. "Wolves don't do colleges", Cami mumbled under her breath.

"And that's exactly why we're going to the party, to get the gist of it. The human college life sounds fun in movies", I added. They both then looked at each other, having a conversation without words, and then half-heartedly sighed and agreed. Jace 1, rest of the world 0.

"Fine we can go but don't wander off", Grey instructed us, his sharp eyes making sure we understood and obeyed every word of his, not that Ty would dare disobey Victor or Aurora anyways.

Finally getting the confirmation, that I knew we'd get anyways from our mates by batting our lashes, both Ellie and me yipped happily and jumped into our mates' arms. This just feels perfect, all the four of us together and Grey and Cami embrace us back quickly.

"Wait- my first actually party", Ellie said and stood alert, "I need to get ready, I gotta do so much for it!", she screamed and ran out of room to begin getting ready for a party that isn't gonna start till another 2 hours. 

"Mate excited about 'party'?", Ty chimed in my head with his head tilted. Stupid wolf.

"Yep, she's gonna start to get ready already", I informed him.

"Ou, mate gonna look even more pretty Jacey", Ty murmured and continued dreaming of the evening that'll follow.




"Party time?", Ellie questioned excitedly, looking absolutely gorgeous in the process with her tiny top and a mesh thingie top over it. I don't know how it is physically possible to pull it off but princess did it effortlessly. 

"Yeh princess, just don't go off on your own", Grey commented, looking equally sexy by the way in a black shirt that clung tight to his muscled body. Ella nodded excitedly at that and grabbed Cami's hand to take her in.

So the movies were true after all, this place could give someone a stroke with all the bright flashing lights and the loud fucking music. ITS AMAZING. I even had to turn off my supernatural hearing because of how loud it is. There is an open bar and the dance floor is open, frat kids bustling around trying to get laid for the night- something I wouldn't mind either.

"This is so cool!", Ellie said while giggling happily at the bright lights that attracted her. She looks so happy and her gusto makes me feel excited for this too. We finally get to act like other people our age without the responsibility of a pack hanging over us. 

Even Cami and Grey seemed happy over the decision to attend, their eyes roaming around to take in the scenery of dyed in flashing lights. Then my eyes narrowed down upon the little old bar giving out booze. 

I want to get drunk!

"Drinks!?", I asked excitedly to my mates and Ellie agreed instantly.

"I don't know pup, we don't know this place well enough to get drunk here.", he said with a sigh. Seeing the frown immediately forming on mine and Ellie's face Cami said, "Okay maybe I'll stay sober and you three can get drunk"

"But it'll be no fun without you!", Ellie whined.

"We gotta be safe princess, you just have fun. It's okay, I don't mind honestly", Cami said truthfully and 3 2 1- I wanna get shitfaced. 

I'd never gotten drunk before, even though Grey had we were all stupid and inexperienced in the dealings of alcohol, this is gonna be so bad that it'll eventually feel good. And then began the saga of having random liquids that burned as they poured down my throat. Ahh nothing is happening, I need to get more (said every drunk person ever)

But just as I was about to get another drink, my wrist was clamped by strong hands. "That's enough for you pup, you're shitfaced", said Grey huskily and sexily, did he say that sexily or is the booze finally kicking in? we'll never know.

"Wha- Am not", I protested event though the world felt so spinny right now, making me giggle at nothing.

"No, I think my pup is very much drunk right now", he said while pulling me against his chest tightly. I shook my head swiftly against his chest, his warm chest eroding away my protest. It just felt so warm, so warm and comfortable, all mine.

"Mm, you're so hot", I said to Grey, meaning that he felt warm, not 'hot'; even though he did look so fucking hot. For some reason he just seemed so much sexier right now, he's making me feel things without even trying. Just his scent alone almost had my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

"Aw- is my pup feeling hot right now?", he asked with a smirk, teasing my aroused self. Wait- am I a horny drunk.

The alcohol making my ability to lie fade, I said "Mhm, very hot" without batting an eye, grinding against him slowly with the music.

Putting two fingers under my chin, forcing me to look up, his eyes analyzing every bit of my face he said "You want me to fix it?", with a smirk and lust filled eyes, "I'll make you feel so fucking good".

Just as he pulled in to capture my lips with his, I heard Ellie say in the background, "I need to go to the bathroom"

"You want me to come with you princess?", Cami asked.

"No, just stop the horndogs from dry humping right here", she said with a giggle, the alcohol making her extremely confident. Good, I like confident Ellie.

"You wanna take this upstairs little boy?", Grey asked with his eyes darkened from the lust.

"huh? I mean- I-", came back the stuttering and the nervous feelings at his bold advancements.

"Let's go up Jacey", Cami said as she ushered both our drunk asses upstairs to a room that I won't remember by this time tomorrow. Man, maybe I am drunk.

As soon as we entered the room, I was pushed on the bed by Cami who also looked at me with lust filled eyes. Grey also accompanied her as she drew closer and began to kiss and peck at the soft spot on my neck, the hickies from last time still there as a reminder of what she's capable of. Grey at the same time, unbuttoned the top of my shirt and began kissing sucking at my collar bone breathily.

For the next twenty minutes they both continued to kiss and mark my body wherever they pleased as I just laid there and let them have their way. Is this what heaven feels like? my moans escaping all attempts to curb them. As I began to moan loudly and uncontrollably at the assault on my body from two sides, something just felt missing, like some missing link.

Between my moans, in a dazed state I managed to blurt out, "Where is Ellie?"



Sorry bout the late update, writing block just hit me soo hard.

Also, my vacations are over now so updates will be lesser than usual.



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