Roadtrip Regret

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Jaceth P.O.V.

"I need to pee", Ella declared for the hundredth time during the five hours we'd been on the road.

"Again?", I groaned next to her making her roll her pretty eyes at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry do my bodily functions bother you?" she sassed.

"Yes very much so, how about you let me do some other bodily functions to you?", I said and grinned, knowing it'd only be a matter of seconds before she goes from pale Luna wolf to red cherry tomato.

"Goddess, Jace we should've taken the damn plane. But, noooooo- Jaceth Whitlock wanted a road trip, now suffer!", she said even though she could stop traffic with how red she'd gotten.

I heard chuckles from the front seat and whipped my head to see Grey and Cami amused and looking in the mirror to spectate. Oh, were they having fun? were they getting a kick out of this?

"Eyes on the road, slugger", I spat at Grey with narrowed eyes.

His eyes crinkled even further in amusement, and so did Cami's before they burst into another round of laughter. He's supposed to be my best friend- he switched over to team dom realll fast I must say.

"Don't worry princess, there's a stop a few minutes ahead, we'll stop there" Grey told Ella who smiled at him gratefully. "And when we've stopped, I'm gonna come over to the backseat, take Jace's pants off, and spank his pretty little ass. That sound good?"

My dick jerked at the threat- but Jaceth Whitlock still had a reputation to maintain- so I went ahead and cockily said, "The humans will put you in human jail for public indecency"

"I'd say it would be worth going to jail if I got to see our puppy get spanked", Cami added nonchalantly.

"You- you both- hmph", I said and began looking out the window to avoid facing them with my red cheeks. Both sets red if I play my cards wrong.

The stop popped up in front of us before Cami could say any further, and Grey stopped the car. "I'll come with you angel", Cami said as Ella got off the car to go to the bathroom.

I quickly said, "No- I'll take her, my sweet little mate" and ran out of the car. Phew- glad I got out of there before Grey could get any ideas that'd end up in me squirming pitifully in my seat for the rest of the trip.

Taking Ellie's hand, I led her to the stop and stopped right outside the women's bathroom. She went in to do her business while I stood outside the door like a guard dog, proud to watch after her.

Just when I wanted to be a decent mate, Ty delivered a genius idea into my lap. I linked Ella, "Is the bathroom empty?"

She took a second to reply, "Jace, I love you but we're not doing it in a stop bathroom"

Welp, worth a shot.



Cami had begun to fidget with her fingers and tap her foot against the floor of the car as we got closer to Silver Talon. Now it was a few hours to dawn, we'd been driving the whole day taking turns- well me, Cams, and Grey; Ellie still can't drive for shit. 

People usually try to drive around obstacles on the road but my Luna takes them to be her aim. I love her.

Back to my anxiety-filled mate next to me, I saw her looking out the window wistfully. I put my hand on her thigh to get her attention.

"Why are you not asleep, we're gonna be there in a few hours", I linked to avoid waking up Grey and Ella. They looked so cuddly in the backseat with Grey's bear-ass body barely fitting into the seat, so he decided to lay Ella over himself to at least make her comfortable. Still not regretting the road trip idea.

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