Colored Tapestry and Stupid Bickering

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Ella P.O.V.

Giggling I led Jace through the narrow space in between the colorful stalls. It is such a surreal experience when the sun shines through the tapestry roofs of the tents over the stalls. All kinds of local products and foods surrounded us as we went on a rampage on that market, and by 'we' I mean 'I'. it really was just me who went around the shops while Cami and Grey carried my bags and insisted on paying for everything, Jace just stuffed his face though.

A particular store with jewelry got my attention and I found a perfect chain for Jace. It was like a dog-tag with the text being random symbols which were indecipherable. I also got a beaded bracelet for Cami and a knit-brown-strapped bracelet for Grey, they were cheap and inexpensive but I like the idea of my mates wearing something I got. Miraculously I did this without them following me there to see.

Not a minute later Jace finds me, sweat built up on his forehead and a pout on his face. "Can we go home now?" he whined.

He looked so tired, and I felt tired too so I agreed with him, "Okay, let's grab Cami and Grey and head out".

Through the crowds of sweaty humans we found our mates. They stood in a stall with clothes, and Grey was convincing Cami to buy a top he held. The stall owner looked at them expectantly hoping to make a sale by boasting the quality of the top and how good it'd look on her. It really was a pretty halter top with a light floral pattern on it.

"But, it looks so nice Cams", Grey said with a cheeky grin.

"Too revealing", she replied assessing the top with narrowed eyes.

As me and Jace walked up to them, he added "It looks pretty but you don't have to get it", Grey and I nodded in agreement.

"I want to, but-", she said but stopped mid sentence and looked at us expectantly.

She looked conflicted so Grey added to tease her, "You don't have to wear it in front of anyone but us" with a wink.

She rolled her eyes at him playfully but smiled anyways and made the purchase, leaving the stall owner a happy man and Grey happy about his choice. Such a competitive Alpha.

"Home princess?", Cami asked me and I nodded.


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Jace held my hand as we walked to our private backyard beach, which I thought to be unnecessary at first but now totally see why Grey got it. "You want a piggy back ride?", Jace asked me giddily.

"Yesss-", I said immediately, I love all kinds of rides from my mates.

He smiled boyishly at me, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief as he got down to allow me to get on him. Very carefully I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders and my legs around his muscled torso, sometimes I forget how strong all my mates are with how gentle they are with me.

I jumped and held on tighter as he got up and held my calves to support me. "Ready?", he said before I nodded for him to go on. Jace carried me all the way to the striped beach mat set out by Cami and Grey, as I lay my chin on his pretty mop of blond hair.

Grey smiled at us and tried to take me off Jace, but I wanted to make his life harder and refused to let go. Grey raised a brow at me confused, making me blush and hold on tighter to Jace.

"Come on princess", Grey said to convince me, as he again tried to pull me off Jace. I stuck my tongue out at him and giggled with Jace.

"Mate let's us play", Marina chimed in happy with Grey's behavior about letting me play without using his strength to pull me off Jace.

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