Just Like Me

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Camille P.O.V.

"Now, I'll just take you to the packhouse where Alpha will meet you",  said the Beta- Elin. She had politely introduced herself and did all the duties one is supposed to when another Alpha- or Alphas in our case visit. I didn't recognize her, and she didn't recognize me so she must be new to the pack.

"Appreciate it Beta Elin", Ella said politely making the Beta wolf smile. I'm glad she took control of the diplomacy and niceties, I wouldn't be able to in the current mindset I'm in. Grey squeezed my hand in his once, as if he could sense the anxiety bubbling within just waiting to boil over.

"Although Alpha really does wanna meet you, You didn't mention the reason for the visit while booking it", she said as she excitedly walked ahead of us towards the huge building of their packhouse. This one is smaller than the one I burned down, built with more vibrant colors too, almost as if to chase away the negative memories.

"Well- it's more of a familial visit", Grey answered for me. 'oh-' she said as her bright eyes filled in with curiosity. I like her, she is innocent, the pack needs some of that, she'd be a good Beta to my brother. Barely holding herself back from skipping she covered the rest of the distance to the packhouse while Grey and I shared a smile. 

She is a lot like our baby.

Maybe it's the different infrastructure or the different environment, but I didn't feel all the negative emotions that I'd been anticipating. I felt fine, a little anxious, and a little excited.

Their packhouse bustled with wolves going around, little kids playing, and the din of a happy pack, nothing like all those years ago when wolves feared to step out of their rooms and many moved out of the packhouse altogether. Mathew is doing a good job as an Alpha to regain the trust of the pack.

As we were passing by the stairs, footsteps coming down got our attention. A small omega made his way down, pausing on the stairs when he saw us and then waved shyly. 

"Oh, hey Luna!", said Elin excitedly. Luna? looks like this little Omega is Matthew's. 

"Going to see Alpha?", she asked him to which he nodded shyly with a small smile.

"Oh, come with us then we're going there too", she invited him and then proceeded to introduce us, 'nice to meet you' he replied. "Nice to meet you too Luna?", Ellie said.

"It's Alex-", he replied quickly.

"Well, it's nice to meet you then Luna Alex", said Ellie.

Appears we'd reached the Alpha's office whilst talking and only realized when Elin knocked on the hardwood door. 

"Come in", said Mathew, his voice deeper than I'd remembered. Elin and Alex made their way in but when I hesitated, Jace rubbed my fingers and led me in with a comforting smile. 

And there he was, after almost five years. Still standing wide with a bulky build complemented by black hair he got from his mother probably. His pale skin and blue eyes did remind me of father but the kind features on his face made me forget just as fast. His sharp eyes umbrellaed by thick brows fell to us, going through my mates and then finally landing on me. I noticed the burn marks on his cheek and chin, matching the ones father had, the marks that were my fault.

He got up from his chair in shock as his eyes widened.

We held each other's gaze, not losing it and neither breaking the silence. He looked at me with such longing and love, it hurt my heart. He stayed silent till the little omega by his side poked his arm to question.

With big steps he walked over to me, barely avoiding getting stopped by my mates who reluctantly let him through to me. Then pulled me into a bear hug, where I soaked up the warmth of him holding me. My arms went around his torso as Aurora howled happily, happy about seeing our brother again.

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