Date with Mates

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Jaceth P.O.V.

I'd spent the whole day with my family since I'd be stepping into dad's role very soon and would get busy and "ignore my family", according to my mom. I went on a walk with Sia, my younger sister, who was only 6 and even took her to the park, where I'd first met Ella. Sweet memories rushed me throughout the time we were there.

I told them about the Ella and Jace situation, and they took it well, hell my mom was even joyous, she always loved Grey and was happy to have him as her son's mate.

I was really excited to go on the date with my mates and time couldn't pass fast enough. I'd spend the whole time yesterday trying to convince Grey to tell me where we'd be going but the fucker wouldn't budge, and here I had to spend my time in suspense. He just told me to dress casually and winked at me, goddess, this guy made me go weak at the knees.

It was finally 5 pm and quickly got in the shower, not wanting to make Ella and Grey wait. I brushed my teeth and even shaved my nonexistent stubble.

I got out of the shower and dried my damp hair with mum's hair drier,(which I totally didn't steal from her) and styled it back using gel. I then went to the closet to put on the outfit that I'd picked this morning, yes I was so excited that I picked an outfit prior like a giddy teenager but I just couldn't help myself.

I put on a white button-down, layered it with a light-olive baggy sweater; and put on beige lowers. I put on some perfume, put on my shoes, and headed downstairs since it was almost already 6 by then.

When I was heading downstairs, I could already smell him, Grey. He was probably waiting on me to get ready and was talking to my mum. I got to the living room, to see a Grey wearing a striped red, white and blue shirt, which was unbuttoned at the top with rolled-up sleeves; which was matched with blue jeans; Goddess did he look handsome.

Their conversation halted and he began to look at me so intently, hell-bent on taking in every part of me, his eyes roaming everywhere. I was staring at him just as much and took in every inch of his body.

We must've been playing our staring game for quite a bit since I heard mum clear her throat to get out attention. We both snapped out of the trance, and I felt blood rush to my cheeks, embarrassed that my mother caught me gawking at him.

"You boys must be getting late", said my mum trying to save me the embarrassment, and we nodded in return.

I quickly pecked my mum on her cheek before saying my goodbyes and we left out the door. Grey's hand automatically radiated towards my waist making me smile and Tytus grin in my head like a maniac. 

"The ceremony will take place this weekend Jacey", said Grey while walking to Ella's house.

"Yeh, dad told me; I'm excited to tell the pack", I said cheerfully, making Grey ruffle my hair.

"hey, I just set that, you're ruining my gorgeous look, bitch" I said with fake anger causing him to laugh and further ruffle it.

We continued chatting our way to Ella's house; her family was well to do so she had a nice house surrounded by a garden, to which I knew she tended to since her scent was everywhere. We reached the porch and I knocked.

A man in his 50s opened the door, paid his respects to us, and invited us in; he must be her father, she has his eyes I thought.

"Ella! baby come down, it's your date- um dates", he screamed doubtfully, and not a minute later I heard footsteps down the stairs and was engulfed in her scent, delightful.

Ella quickly ran down the stairs and smiled at us; she was wearing a baby pink dress with strawberries on it along with school-girl sandals. Her hair was open and curled, and she wore a gentle tint of pink on those luscious lips of hers; goddess, how did I get so lucky.

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