The First Time

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Jaceth P.O.V.

We finally made our way to the backstage of where the ceremony was supposed to take place. After what Ellie had said, it'd been hard to even think of anything other than her comfort, making sure that she'd not get overwhelmed.

The ceremony would be followed by an after-party, and I could smell the delicious dishes that had been cooked in our honor. 

"Pack members, and allies, today the Alpha of nigrum sanguinem pack will officially declare his mate and the future Luna of the pack. The Alpha and the Beta will also fill in their positions officially today; I thank you all for joining us at this moment of happiness, now here's the Alpha", said Dad, who's responsible for all pack announcements.

Then I felt Grey's hand drag me and Ella forward onto the stage, I saw a sea of our pack members, allies, different supernatural species, all with smiles on their faces looking at us.

Grey was going to address them, and I could see that he'd gotten back to his 'tough alpha' face and the cold demeanor was noticeable. I and Ella stood on either side of him, and I could hear Ella's heart run a marathon, I wanted nothing more than to get her in my arms, but even I had to keep up appearances for the pack.

"Pack, the moon goddess had mated me with not 1, but 2 beautiful mates", said Grey, and whispers and murmurs broke out, the rumor had already been going around, but no one had thought that it'd actually be true; Grey continued," They are, Ella Chamberly Knight, who'll be your future Luna, and Jaceth Whitlock; I expect you all to treat them with the same respect as you do me".

I could sense waves of a shock coming from the crowd that stood below us, a lot of chatter went around, although no one would say anything to us directly, there will be negative talking about us being 3 mates. 

Grey carefully eyed the crowd, searching for any sounds of dissent, though there will be none. I was worried that Ella would get too nervous, and feel bad; she obviously had some self-esteem issues and the pack's reaction wasn't helping her feel better. 

"There are 3 Alpha mates, our pack will be stronger than it already was", I heard a voice from the crowd say, that I recognized as Aspen, our Gamma. I'm so glad this guy's got our back as he's great with public relations in the pack.

The pack's nervous reaction soon turned into one of happiness, and there were cheers and applause from the crowd, they didn't mean any harm, just were very shocked; but now they were happy with this. I felt myself and the others relax too, good, the pack was happy.

The elders then ushered everyone towards the after-party barbeque, and blessed us, amused by our strange situation. Ideally, we would attend the after-party too, but we decided on leaving, sparing Ella the trouble for now.


When we left the ceremony, deciding to help Ella with whatever was on her mind, before forcing her to deal with pack business; honestly, I couldn't bother with that right now either. So we left to go to Grey's place.

"Ella you're okay with going to my place right?", asked Grey.

"Yep, I'd like that", replied Ella; I'm glad she was now comfortable enough to head home with us.

"Do you have cookies at home?", I asked, Mrs. Black made the best cookies in the world, I'd give up my toes for those cookies, I often ate the whole box that she so sweetly sent for me sometimes.

To this, he gave out a light chuckle, "Yes, Jacey we have cookies at home"

"Cookies?", asked Ella, confused at the random mention of cookies, but she must realize that these cookies are too important.

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