Fine After All

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Greyson P.O.V.

I was currently consoling a crying Jace who was leaning on my shoulder as we waited for the healers who currently had Ella under operation. Cami was also there with us but had to leave to fix up since she was bleeding right through her shorts. Goddess! how could so much go so wrong in so little time? 

Ella was practically fighting for her life in that operating room as the healers tried their best to save their Luna. Cami was bleeding badly from her leg from her fight with wolves that attacked Ella, but she'd be fine. We lost so many warriors today, those fuckers used witches to hex us, they have no shame, no dignity.

Using another species in OUR war? 
how dare they
that's low- even for them.

Over a hundred of my warriors lay shocked from the hexes in the infirmary, they'll live but are in excruciating pain right now. The sick thing about hexes is that they affect the highest in the rank- the worst and since most of my warriors are high-ranked, so they had it the worst. Those howlers and now-the banes had used even used witches to cloak them and grant them entry to our land, they cause my mate to be on the verge of death.

I don't even want to think about what would've happened if Cami hadn't got to Ella when she did. She saved her, when I couldn't, Goddess how could I be so stupid? Of course, they'd attack the pack's Luna, I never should have left her alone- and now- she's like this because I couldn't be there for her. Victor wasn't helping either with his constant whining and howling for Ella and Marina.

I was pulled out of my train of thoughts when I heard Cami enter the room. She was now cleaned up and looked better, but walked with a limp on her injured leg, but otherwise, she was unharmed.  She looked exhausted and devastated over what happened, the bond must've been eating her up just as much as it was eating me and Jace up.

Her eyes fell on Jace's crying figure and her exhausted face turned into one of sadness and anger- towards those that cause him to cry. She said nothing, just sat on the seat next to me in the empty waiting room. 

Jace had been crying in my lap for the past couple of hours- when they took Ella into the operation theatre. My mate's sobbing and shaking form just further riled up Victor who was now taking his anger out on me. 

Jace turned in my lap towards Cami and said, "Is your leg okay?", in a shaky voice as he wiped the tears off his raw cheeks. 

"It's fine Jace, are you okay?", Cami asked, not looking at us, but at a random spot in the room- zoning off. Her voice sounds monotonous and almost dead? right now.

Jace hummed in response, his tears overcame him again as he began to sob into my chest again. Goddess- I wish I could help him, tell him that Ella would be alright- but I can't, I'm already a crap mate to Ella so I can't bear to be a lying one to Jace. All I can do is whisper-soft nothings into his ear and try my best to comfort him. 

"Thanks- for Ellie I mean", I said to Cami as I was genuinely glad that she came in and helped her.

"No need to thank me, she's my mate too", replied Cami sounding almost hurt at what I said. I guess due to her being distant to us I did overlook her emotions completely, great I'm a bad mate to her too now. 

"Yeh, sorry", is all I could get out because if I spoke any further all my pent-up worries would break out of their cage and scare them both.


Jace's sobs had now stopped as he slept against me after hours of crying. Still no news from the operation theatre and Cami had  just got me a much needed coffee. I'd been in this infirmary too many time, too quick for my liking, I wish to never be here again. I can't imagine what my poor mate must be going through right now.

Ella's parents and siblings are her now, so is my mom and Jace's parents. 

"Alpha?", I heard a female voice- which I then recognized to be the healer working on Ella. I immediately rose from my seat, accidentally frightening the now-awake Jace who was sleeping against me. 

"How's she?", asked Cami before I could.

"The Luna will be fine, she's up but her throat injuries won't allow her to speak for a few days at the least", said the women kindly and I sighed in relief. Hearing that my Ellie would be alright brought so much comfort to me and calmed Victor down.

"Can we go see her?", asked Jace hopefully.

"Definitely, she'd be happy to see you- and um try to remain happy in front of her, it boosts the healing process", said the healer as she swiftly left undoubtedly tired from the hours of surgery.

I saw both Jace's and Cami's face lighten up visibly when they heard that. Maybe Cami would be a bit hesitant to go see Ella but I need to make sure that their bond remains strong. 

"Cami, you'll come right?", I asked her hoping she'd say yes.

After contemplating it for a second she said yes to it and we all left to go to the room where Ellie was being kept in. The strong scent of alcohol and disinfectants entered my nose as soon as we walked in to the room making me scrunch my nose in disapproval, Jace on the other hand was practically wagging like a puppy as he entered the room to see Ellie.

What I saw next broke my heart even more, I saw Ella lying on the bed with tubes running in and out of her, with her throat in thick bandages, all color had left her skin and she looked a sickly grey. Even in her beaten up state, my baby tried to pass me us a smile to cheer us up, which immediately melted my heart.

"Ellie, thank goddess, do you feel okay bub?", asked Jace as he hurriedly walked over to her bed and examined her from head to toe.

Ella opened her mouth to speak- but nothing came out and her face scrunched up painfully making the pain of her throat flood back in again. Instead she just smile and nodded at Jace. Her eyes brightened as she looked at us, then her gaze went to Cami and an even wider smile replaced her current one.

They must've had a moment together, since even Cami smiled back at her.  Ella's eyes then went to Cami's leg and she scrunched her eye brows, as if she were inquiring about it. 

"My leg is fine Ella, just glad that you're okay", Cami replied sincerely.




how are you all today

- first of all thankyou soooo much everyone who is voting and commenting on the chapter.

- Second, can some of you hit me up, like message me? 

   I wanted to get some info about the the story- stats and stuff to make it better


Stay hooked biatches.

ty ily bye

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