The Last Night

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Ella P.O.V.

I'm so useless- how do I comfort and soothe my mate when I myself am an emotional wreck? After Cami told us what happened, what those monsters did to her, she cried herself to sleep as I shook in Jace's hold. None of us had any control over what we'd do at this moment; Jace and I sobbed bitterly and even Grey hid his glossy eyes from us.

The dark room felt hostile and the bed which was soft till yesterday seemed to prick us now. Why did Cami wait so long to tell us? she went through so much at such a young age- I just want to shower her with love and assure her that she'd be alright. Her beautiful face had tear streaks which will feel raw when she wakes up, her breathing had finally evened out as her head was pressed tightly against Grey's chest. Her dark locks had unraveled during the fretful sleep and stuck to her skin, which I then fixed carefully as to not wake her up.

For a whole of 30 minutes none of us said a word, the only sound in the room was of Cami's even breath. My tears dried up- heck I didn't have any more tears to shed. It always hurts so much worse when it's your mate who has been in pain- not you. 

I felt choked in that room, so after a deep sigh I freed myself from Jace's hold and said, "She's gonna want some food when she wakes up", before exiting the room. Marina clawed at my head to go back to her mate, as I made my way down to the kitchen making my head hurt so much worse. 

Gripping the kitchen counter tightly to bring myself back to reality, I very robotically prepared some sandwiches for Cami- the seasoned chicken ones she's come to like so much. Not realizing how time flew by, I climbed back up the stairs with her food and some cool iced-tea, food won't fix what happened but maybe it'll help her feel better right now.  

My mates still sat in that sinister silence that I felt them in before going, the only change being that now Grey had draped Cami over his torso, and laid down as she slept to make her more comfortable. With a deep sigh I placed the food on the night-stand before joining my mates in bed. 

Soon enough, Cami began to move slowly on Grey's chest, her hands tightly gripping his shirt to not let him go. Good- she's finally up- we can feed her and bathe her and take care of her. But instead of the umber eyes we were used to, we were now met with shiny red eyes.


Aurora had taken over Cami's body, Cami maybe stuck back to rest herself a bit, or maybe she was still asleep and Aurie took over. With one last sniffle, Aurie sat up and brought her hands up to wipe away the tear streaks, but to no avail since they had now dried.

She looked at us very cautiously, maybe even expectantly- for us to talk to her. 

"Hey Aurie, you're here love", Grey said feigning that he was feeling okay- none of us were.

She nodded slowly, still getting used to the human body. Jace in the mean time had retrieved a damp wash-cloth from our bathroom, and approached her, tilting her head up with his fingers. Jace landed a kiss on her forehead lovingly before using the damp cloth to wipe away the traces of her tears, all the while deeply gazing into her red orbs.

After a while Aurie spoke, "Cami asleep, didn't want to come out right now".

"Is she okay though Aurie?", Jace asked.

Taking a moment to decide how to answer this question, Aurie finally spoke "Cami hurt- still hurt. All father did still make her feel bad about her. I try to tell her not to be, try to convince her but she don't listen, she needs you to fix it." while avoiding eyes contact with us, since Alpha wolves aren't too keen of being vulnerable.

"What do you mean 'fix it' love?" Grey questioned,

"You make Cami not feel bad about what happened. She asleep right now and would kill me if she heard me tell you this- but you need to make her believe that it wasn't her fault. It's stupid but she thinks she did wrong to deserve what happened. Love her- okay?", Aurie told us.

"We do hun, we do.  We love Cami so much and we'll all we can in our power to make her feel better", Jace said and she slowly nodded in return.

"Aurie are you okay, love?", I asked her as I tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

He tilted her head quizzically and answered, "Me? Cami the one who had to go through it. What would happen to me?".

"But you were there for all of it, just unable to interact or do anything. I know it must've been painful for you- not being able to help Cami", Grey said.

Aurora looked shocked that Grey somehow understood what her wolf instincts made her feel like, unable to help her human, just watch without any control over what was happening. "It felt bad, but I'm fine now", she mumbled quickly and again averted her eyes.

My heart felt like it was pounding with every beat, their sadness and grief felt so much worse to me that mine ever would. My mate- she's so strong. That reminded me to take the sandwiches and iced-tea off the night-stand and hold them up to Aurie, needing to make sure she ate well and felt healthy.

She gratefully accepted with 'thankyous' and compliments about how well I cook. Aurie pulled me to give a kiss on the top of my head as a thankyou, such a chivalrous wolf. She said, "Thankyou for this, I feel better but Cami still asleep. Can I have my mates- need them, then I'll give control back when Cami awake".

Marina perked up again upon hearing this and wagged her tail in excitement to be able to come out and comfort her mate. 

"Sure Aurie", Grey said with a kind smile, not wanting to deny her her mates at this time, when she felt so sensitive and vulnerable.

Before we could all allow our wolves to descend Aurora said, "Oh- and you might want to go back home now. Cami feels too sad and bad about this place, she might not wanna stay anymore"



After a few hours Cami came back to us, she agreed with what Aurie said and wanted to go back home. She said that she was okay with leaving soon but Grey insisted that we leave tomorrow morning itself. He's so adorably particular about every demand of ours, and gets all 'helicopter mom' about our needs.

"Okay, we have tickets booked for tomorrow morning, the airline couldn't provide it any earlier", Grey spoke as he entered our bedroom. 

"Thankyou", Cami whispered making him lovingly smile at her and kiss her lips gently.

"Last night here, what do we wanna do?", Jace asked as he plopped onto the bed with snacks in his hand.

"Usually I'd say you, but tonight Cami can decide", Grey said snickering, with a wink at Jace. Jace stuck his tongue out at him and repeated what he said in a high-pitched tone to annoy Grey.

To stop the two men from getting on each other's nerves more Cami quickly said "Seeing it's our last night, we can spend the night on the beach". 

That shut the boys up who nodded eagerly at her like good little puppies. She looked me in the eyes and raised her brows to get my conformation and I said yes too. Very quickly Grey wrapped her in the blankets and lifted her before she could stop him.

"Grey!", she squeaked and giggled.

"Nope, you're getting spoiled tonight milady", he said with a wolfy grin and carried her all the way down the stairs and to the beach in our backyard. As I giggled at their antics I felt strong hands on my waist, and then being lifted off into the air.

I whipped my head back, and saw Jace smugly picking me up and carrying me to the beach where we spent the night. Soon enough Jace brought some more blankets and snacks for us. Someway through the night Jace set up a projector and white sheets to play us a movie, it was some 90s comedy, but really fun to watch overall. 

The night went by peacefully before Grey ushered us to bed because we had an early flight.



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