Old Friends

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Greyson P.O.V.

------FEW WEEKS LATER-------------

(see, I can do that because I got magic author powers: a/n)


"Folks, that's it, I've made my decision", I announced excitedly to my mates who all perked up to listen to me. "The beard! She stays!", I say and watch as their faces fall one by one. What's that about?

"Our beard look gorgeous, mates might be jealous", chimed in Victor arrogantly.

I raised my hand to my definitely gorgeous beard and felt the texture of the rough hair running underneath my fingers. I'd grown it as an experiment to see whether I'd look good in it- and I did, I look awesome, but who's surprised about me rocking anything? Now I like it, I want to keep it much to my mates' apparent and new-found displeasure.

"You're keeping the beard, darling? I thought you'd get rid of it in a few weeks", Cami reasoned while attempting not to sound like I'd personally stabbed her through the heart by keeping my beard.

"Yes- but now I like her, she stays", I explain again.

"Okay that's it, we've been too nice to him. We have gotta stay it as it is, we've all been thinking it. Why sugarcoat?", Jace said confusing me further. "Jace- no puppy", Cami tried to stop him from talking, but lost that one. I mean who could stop chatty over there?

"Cams, it has to be done. Now allow me to take the bullet for all of us.", Jace said with sass, fucker pretending to be a soldier in the trenches.

"Stop both of you", my reasonable baby Ella said, "Grey, we hate your beard. There! I said it.". The sheer betrayal, and by my own mates? No- take me, goddess.

"Drama Queen", Aurora laughed at me. I mean, It was justified that I felt this way, how could anyone not like perfection?

"Well, I can't find anything wrong with it, she stays", I declared huffing at them.

Jace rolled his eyes at, the little brat; I might just have to act on the threats I give him of spanking his butt. "Mhm, do that.  Wanna do that to Ty too.", Victor said then went right back to thoughts of spanking his own mate.

"Fine then. Keep the beard. But, I'm not kissing you anymore, you're gonna give me fucking beard burns. No kisses for you anymore", Jace declared. Shit- he's got that over my head.

Just then Cami added, "Yep, not getting anywhere near my lips with that beard either". Then she came over and whispered into my ear, "And forget about ever eating me out again, either"


I look at her with wide eyes, she did not just pull that card on me.

With a smug look, she continued, "Yep, imagine the beard burns down there"

I guess, I'll miss the beard then.



I didn't miss the evil snickers of my mates as I came out of the bathroom, wiping my face with a towel after shaving the beard away. With narrowed eyes, I growled playfully at them making the bastards laugh even harder.

"Mates give a tough time," Victor said mindlessly, too intrigued by the role of his wolves in this.

"Yep they do, don't they? Fuck they're lucky I love them so much" I grumbled poutingly.

"See- don't you look pretty now?", Ella said sweetly sending Jace and Cami into another fit of laughter they didn't bother covering up.

Payback awaited so I turned around and gather Ellie into a loose hold and said, "Yep, look all smooth now, princess. Let's see just how smooth- In between your legs"

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