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Cami P.O.V.

"Where the fuck is my Luna!?", Grey growled into his phone, terrorizing innocent pack members who he'd now handed the responsibility of locating their Luna, both pf us feeling entirely helpless.
My Ellie
Where did she go?

As soon as Jace realized that Ellie was missing last night, we turned the place upside down searching for her. She- she said that she was gonna use the bathroom but we could only trail her scent to just outside the house, then no more. I know as a fact that no one other than me in the pack can turn off their scent, and I know that Ellie sure as hell cannot; then where in the world did her scent go? where did she go?

"Why did she go out?", Jace whined out softly, sitting on the bed of our rented house. 

After receiving no answer from me or Grey, he whined again and asked "Why couldn't we smell her outside the house. How- how did her scent just disappear?". 

Only one answer to this, Witches. Maybe some witches got her and hid her scent? but we checked this area and there were no witches. Then how? Maybe some wolves with help of witches? Hell, I don't know, I groaned out in frustration.

Since Grey was on the phone, I answered Jace "I-I don't know what happened pup, but don't you worry we'll get our Ellie back". Damn right, we're gonna get her back and I don't care what or who I have to kill to get my mate back, I'll fight the goddess in the sky to get my princess back. How could I have let this happen? I'm absolutely useless.

I was the one who was going to stay sober and look after them, then how could I let Ellie get lost like this? I don't know what my baby was going through when I selfishly attacked Jace, this isn't like me, how could I do this? I had to cut-off the link between me and Aurora temporarily because her anger and rage towards me was blinding, I couldn't think straight when an Alpha wolf had decided that she wanted me dead for letting her mate get taken.

"Aspen, Caleb, and Lily are gonna be here in a couple hours", Grey announced as he cut the call he was on and crudely threw his phone on the bed.

"Who would dare take my Luna away?", Grey fumed, his eyes red now with Victor's presence. I immediately needed to fix this before Victor took over and took off in a mad fury to find Marina and Ella.

Making my way to him, I kneeled where he was sitting and put my head on his lap to give him a sense of control. "Hey, we're gonna get her back. There is no other option, so don't even go there. We're gonna get out mate back, end of". He nodded with a deep sigh as he ran his fingers through my hair, comforting me.

With a pitiful whine and groan, our attention turned to Jace whose whole body looked flushed and sweaty, his breath heavy and- lusty? I thought confused. "You feel okay pup?", I asked, noticing his body writhing a bit against the white sheets.

He shook his head, his eyes shut tight and said "No, I feel hot" in a low and needy tone. 

"Hot? in what way pup?", Grey asked him, concerned now not for one but two of his mates.

"I don't know", Jacey replied before taking a deep breath and tugging of his jacket, leaving him in a thin shirt. "I just feel- no this is wrong", he concluded, leaving us even more confused that before.

"What is it pup, answer me baby", Grey asked in the softest voice he could muster up. 

"I'm sorry. It feels wrong, I don't wanna feel this, especially not right now", Jace mumbled quickly. 

"What is it?", I asked, now deeply worried.

Jace just shyly shook his head and pointed down to his crotch with his eyes, looking pained to tell us what was going on. He was hard, like really hard and sweating all around, his face red and flushed. I know that he didn't mean to be aroused right now, and I know I sure as hell didn't wanna jump him right now- but I do.

Whatever is happening to Jace is affecting us too, our breaths feel deeper and our primal instincts seem to be coming forth. What the actual?

"You feel it too Cami?", Grey whispered in my ear with dark eyes and I nodded, dazed.

"You think- could it be?", I asked him, hoping and praying that it isn't what I thought it was, not right now, not when Ellie is not here.

"There is four of us. And- it's been quiet a few weeks since we found you. I think it could be.", Grey concluded with a deep sigh and a defeated expression.

"But how could Jace? shouldn't it be me or Ellie?", I asked him growing anxious by the minute.

"It isn't always the women, just the um- bottoms or submissives", he said, pointing to Jace with his eyes and I understood immediately.

"What is going on!", Jace demanded, feeling the discomfort and need, no doubt.

I and Grey shared a look before I said "Jace, I need you to stay calm for me babe. You might be going into heat.", taking Jace's breath away for a minute as we had to remind him to take a breath again.

"How could I?", he shrieked out, exactly what I knew was going to happen.

"We don't know that yet pup, but it makes sense that you're in heat", Grey told me. 

For the first time since I'd gotten to know him, Jaceth Whitlock was lost for words. He didn't know what to say, I understand that this must be really hard for him, falling into heat as a Beta, when his mate was missing. After a few minutes of unbearable silence, Jace muttered out softly, "Does this mean that Ellie could be in heat right now too?"

No- it couldn't be.
She can't go into heat when she wasn't with us.
I won't let this happen.

Wolves are very vulnerable when in heat, their pheromones making not just their mates, but every unmated wolf in the range go crazy with lust. Their have been incidents when wolves were claimed by unmated wolves, when their mates weren't around in heat. This couldn't happen to by Ellie.

SHE'S MINE, I won't let any dirty wolf even lay his paws on her, she'll stay for us in her heat, she's our princess. Crap, the heat is even making my mind go fuzzy due to Jace's proximity.

Both Grey and I knew that this is a very real possibility, but were afraid to voice it. Like somehow talking about it would make it so much more real. I curtly denied this to myself, and got up to somehow distance myself from Jace before we do something we'd regret. 

"I'll ask Aspen to get some heat pills", I announced, after a second I continued as an after thought, "We leave to look for Ellie as soon as we receive the intel".

The heat pills help diminish the effects of heat in submissives, they don't feel as uncomfortable with need and their mates don't feel the need to take them right there, like I wanna right now. It's a good thing that I've shut the link between me and Aurora right now, Although I do feel bad for locking her away like this, but it's necessary to get Ellie back.

"Pills?", Jace questioned in his lusty heat voice, sounding disappointed.

"Pup, you know we can't do this right now." Grey told him with a sad look.

"I don't want our first time to be driven by heat", I added.

We should've mated already, my ideocracy and insecurities are the reason we're in this position right now. Heat is a push from the goddess to unmated couples, to do what they're meant to do if they aren't marked yet. We should've done it already, but no I had to go on to be stupid and delay this. They don't deserve a mate as deplorable as me.




I'm really sorry for the delayed update, I just have been really busy with school.

ANYWAYS, what are your thoughts about this chapter????

buckle up for the next chapter btw.


till next time

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