Ebbing Warmth

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Jaceth P.O.V.

I rested my head against Grey's shoulder as we walked through the moonlit streets of the pack, walking back from Mrs. Reyes' place, after meeting her, Camille I mean. I still don't quite get what happened with her? does she not want us?

"Since we're going to war tomorrow, can you both stay with me tonight?", asked Grey and I hummed in his shoulder in response.

"Sure, I'll just text my parents once", replied Ella.

The rest of the way to Grey's place was filled with silence as none of us said a word, too much in shock from today's events, but Tytus was howling in my head constantly telling me to go back to her. Soon we reached Grey's bedroom cause his bed is the biggest and we'll fit with ease.

"It'll be fine, she'll come around eventually", said Grey sensing the dejected moods we were in and I knew that she eventually will, but I wanted her right now.

"Yeh, I know she will but the timing of us meeting each other is shit", I said with a sigh as I sat on his bed, too tired to even change my clothes.

"Everything will be fine", said Ella but her tone made it sound more like a question for herself than a statement to reassure us. They both slumped back on the bed next to me and I pulled Ella into myself as she rested her head against my arm, both of them being here with me made this a lot better.

"I need to change your bandages", said Ella earning a tired groan from me.

"I'm fine, it doesn't even hurt anymore, come sleep", I whined but I already knew that she'd made up her mind about this, so she'll get it. Ella can be stubborn like this but I think that it's cute when she's so particular about stuff. She went to the storage and returned with some bandages and the ointment that the healers provided.

"Remove your shirt and sit back", she commanded as she began unraveling the roll of bandages and began cutting it into pieces.

I obeyed and took off my shirt revealing my bandaged body, it probably won't even scar. I sat up on the bed, I didn't even notice them on my body with how the day went, too busy with the mental suffering to notice the physical one. 

Grey put a hand against my chest and gently pushed me back against the headboard; he then began to gently remove the bandages to remove an almost healed wound. It's healed enough that overnight it'll be unnoticeable and I'll be ready for the battle tomorrow. Both Grey and Ellie looked at my wound carefully and closely as Ella very gently rubbed the ointment over it.

"It's good, you're healing well pup", said Grey with a groan of approval as he gently rubbed around the area to make sure that it didn't hurt anymore. I smiled at this as Ellie began to wrap the wound up again, this time the bandages didn't make me look like a mummy but were short and neat.

"Okay, you're good to go", she said as she finished up with dressing my wound and went to wash her hands. Ella came back from the bathroom in a soft pajama lower with a shirt from my closet, I liked when she wore my clothes and smelled like me. 

She sat beside me on the bed and I kissed her on the head and said, "Thanks Ellie", for taking care of me. She smiled at me sweetly and kissed me back; then she climbed over me to get to Grey. "I'm sleepy", she said as she cuddled into Grey between us both.

"Me too", I said as I pressed into her neck and held her from behind making her hum softly in approval. Grey got off the bed, closed the curtains, and put a soft comforter over Ella and me. Ella had turned around now such that she was cuddling into my chest and had her arms around me. Grey lied down behind her and took both of us into his arms.

This is nice I thought, I could get used to this.

All my worries flew away as sleep took over as I stayed cuddled against my mates.


"Jace, Ellie wake up, it's time", said Grey softly against my ear.

Both Ella and I groaned, we didn't want to get up and go to fucking WAR, this felt too good to leave. I didn't want to ever let Ella part from my chest where she so comfortably remained snug. I again whined and stood up, gently pulling Ella up with me too. I saw around the room, it still wasn't too bright out there, meaning that Grey had woken us up too early.

"Wake up Ellie", I said gently against her ear, followed by kissing her head.

"We still have a couple hours, before we need to go", said Grey as he hugged me, his head against my bare chest. His soft breath against me, making me feel ticklish and I squirmed to stop him. 

"Just as ticklish as ever Jacey", he said in a teasing tone referring to the events of the previous night making Ella giggle. I stuck my tongue at him and he kissed my forehead making my scowl fade away, he had such a strong effect over my mood and um- even over my body.

"Okay go shower, I'm already done and be quick about it", he said as he lifted me off the bed in bridal pose and carried me off to the bathroom. I didn't like that, him lifting me like that it made me feel like I weigh nothing and very- feminine?? I don't know what, but I didn't like it. He put me on the counter and shut the door on his way out. What? where am I supposed to get clothes? I didn't think much off it as I stripped and entered the warm heaven that the shower was.

I felt like never getting out, the warmth engulfing me forced me to stay, I did however push myself to leave the shower and grabbed a towel from the rack. I dried my body and hair as I looked at the mirror, I missed my long hair already but this was necessary. I wrapped the same towel around my waist as I left the bathroom to grab the clothes that I wasn't allowed to get before.

I made my way towards the closet across the room to get some old clothes, one's that I wouldn't mind being torn since I'd have to shift anyways. I noticed Grey eyeing my bare chest hungrily as I walked, I could pretend that I didn't like it but deep down I really did, loved it rather. To my surprise, Ella was also glancing at my body but quickly averted her eyes and smiled to herself.

"Go be horny somewhere else, perverts- both of you", I said teasing them, making Grey scowl while Ella started blushing and looked down.

"What? I was just checking your wound, pup", he said obviously lying, which he didn't even try to hide by controlling his heartbeat.

"mhm. sure", I said as I entered the closet and shut the door behind me, and I heard Grey whine at that earning a smile from me.

I quickly put the clothes on and by the time I was done and got out of the closet, Ella was already in the bathroom. I sat next to Grey who pulled my neck against his nose and said, "You smell like me, I like it", 

It did make sense since I showered with his bathroom products, even I liked it. It marked me his, everyone would know that I was his mate since I smelled like it, before we could mark each other actually, this would have to suffice. 

"I'll just go to my mom for a bit, you get Ella and meet me at the front door", he said as he got up. I pulled him to the bed once again and pressed our lips together, "Okay", I said even though I didn't actually want him to leave. I understood that Luna black was very anxious and worried over him, she didn't want her only child to fight in a war after what she lost to the last one. This must even be hard on Grey, going to war after his dad; it was important for him to be with his mom for a bit.

Even I was afraid of losing him, even Camille now but I guess that's the cost of love. At least Ella would be safe- right?


helluuuuuu my dear turtles, how are you alll

WAR BITCHESSSSS- sucks to be a romantic in the midst of a war



thankuu for staying hooked.

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