Did I Hear That Right?

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Ella P.O.V.

Even though I did a visibly bad job at doing her hair, Cami insisted on keeping it on. Her curly locks wound up in an intricate style of my choosing, leaving even Marina happy at the fact that we were able to do something for our mate. The rest of the time on the beach was calm and fun, the sun doing some good for me for a change.

We all then settled in the living room of the gigantic house, showered, and changed out of our wet and sandy beach clothes. Grey had brought blankets out for us and set me down on his lap before wrapping me in a blanket. I felt so warm and tingly with all of them around and thoughts of our future made me happy. The 'bad' and 'naughty' kinds of thoughts graced me too with their occasional occurrences, more so than usual whenever Grey pulled me closer to his naked chest, Jace play-fought me and I got to feel the hard muscles hidden underneath his shirt, whenever Cami tightened her hold on my waist while we're cuddling and letting me back-up against her breasts. 

I don't know why it's affecting me so much now after having done practically nothing with Grey and Jace for over a year. They all seem just as more willing to let me have whatever I want with their bodies too, and they sure as heck weren't shy about touching me as they pleased. It made heat rush to me and made 'down-there' tingle with need, why now though? probably something to do with the fact that we're alone now.

"Fuck, I forgot. Need to get groceries for the house. The rental doesn't come with a stocked fridge", groaned out Grey from behind me, allowing me to feel the vibrations in his chest.

"Don't worry about it, I got it", Cami said as she got up off the comfy couch and away from us making me pout.

"No, it's fine, I'll go", he said and began to shift to put me aside but before that could happen, Cami was in front of him, pushing him back down on the couch with a finger to his chest.

"Sit back down and hold the little burrito", she said, referring to me as the 'burrito' due to the way I was rolled in the blankie, I hmphed at her.

"I'm coming too", shouted Jace making Cami give him a raised brow, he continued "I need to get some stuff too".

"What kinda stuff?", Grey inquired but Jacey only smirked at him and said, "Stuff I won't tell you about", leaving Grey with an amused smile.

"Okay, bye we'll be back in 30", said Cami before kissing my cheek and leaving, dragging Jace along with her. Aw man they're gone.

"When mates gonna be back Ella?", questioned Marina softly.

"Not long, they've just gone to the grocery store. They'll be back soon", I answered.

"Oh- okay", she reverted softly before settling down back into my mind quietly. For some reason beyond my comprehension, Marina's separation anxiety and the desire to have her mates around had become a lot worse in these last few days, she always the need to be surrounded by them. 

My attention was brought back to Earth when Grey shifted beneath me to get into a more comfortable position. I turned to face him, still wrapped up in the comfy blankie, mind you; and I said "You gonna spill it?"

His face contorted in confusion at my question, and my refusal to elaborate on it. "What about, Angel?", he asked me, cute but pet names aren't gonna work right now, I needed to get to the root of this.

Very determined, I said, "Why are you sad?".

"Sad? Angel, I'm not sad. What makes you think that?", he asked exasperated.

"Well- you're not exactly happy either. What's holding you back Grey?", I inquired, locking eyes deep with him.

"I'm fine Angel, I swear. You don't need to worry that cute little butt about me", he replied blatantly avoiding my question.

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