Better than Before

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Camille P.O.V.

The nimble fingers of sunlight played in the room as the sun rose, waking me up in the process. It was a long night- Ellie had a hard time sleeping and I just held her throughout it in my arms. After giving her a bath, I wrapped her up in the most comforting clothes I could find, meaning Jace's shirt which she swam in. We then had some food that Grey cooked up and lastly lay to sleep. 

Well- although I was fairly certain that I went to sleep holding my Ellie, I now woke up with a wolf cuddled against me. As the realization set in, I looked down to see Marina's light blue and grey form cuddled up against my chest, her little torso heaving with every breath. Her fur was almost luminescent from the sunlight which fell directly on to her angelic figure. 

"Aurie?", I tried to wake Aurora up.

"Yeh- this is strange", she noted sleepily.

"She didn't say she was gonna shift- I didn't even feel Marina appear in the middle of the night", I commented.

"Camille, maybe Marina got scared in the middle of the night and accidentally shifted to seek our comfort?", Aurora came to a conclusion.

"Accidentally shifted?", I inquired.

"Yes, the events of the day probably gave her a nightmare. Or maybe she just felt afraid and shifted to be in our arms without realizing", Aurora explained and I hummed in agreement. Crap- I didn't even think about how today would affect Marina especially with her being a psychic wolf. She must've been terrified and I didn't even do anything about it.

Feeling disappointed in myself, I asked Aurora "Do you wanna come out for her?".

Taking a minute to think about it, she responded in a sullen voice, "No- With her being in heat- I don't trust myself. I don't want to scare her further Cami, I would be no good here".

I began to oppose her through the link but she cut me off saying, "Just take care of my baby Camille. She needs love right now", and I agreed hesitantly.

To fulfil my promise to Aurie, I began to stroke her glossy fur gently, careful not to wake her up. Even though she was asleep, her body got the message and she snuggled further into me. I almost cooed at her right there, right then.

After thirty minutes of silently attending to the cute little wolf in my arms, her eyes fluttered open. I did not know that wolfs could yawn, much less yawn so adorably, so when Marina did it a soft smile made its way on to my face. Taking in a minute to understand her surrounding, probably confused as to why she shifted, Marina turned her face to look at me.

She seemed alarmed for a second when she caught my eyes staring her down, but very quickly than alarm turned to shyness. Marina always has been shy, even with her mates so no doubt she felt strange waking up in my arms right now. Her bright eyes avoiding mine as they scanned the sunlit room.

"Hey, little one", I spoke to her.

She looked unsure and guilty, as if she felt guilty for coming out. Behind her beautiful and bright green eyes I could see her conflict between staying or handing control back to Ella. I don't want her to feel that way at all, she might not be my mate but I do love her. Love between wolves and humans can be described as the most pure and platonic form of love, no tension, no desire, just pure happy love. It pained me to see her so unsure about herself in my presence.

"Stay Marina, I wanna spend some time with you baby", I instructed her and she nodded coyishly.

I gathered her into my arms and started again with stroking her fur, and after a few minutes I heard her rumble with contentment. This made me chuckle softly at her cute action and say, "You like that little one?".

Standing on top of me now, her tail wagged from side to side showing her playful mood. She barked at me softly and playfully, widening the smile on my face. Not a minute later she lapped her tongue out and licked my face mischievously making me giggle sillily. She evidently liked that cause then she began to lick wherever she could reach as I tried to stop her.

"She's so cute when she's having fun", I commented and Aurora growled in agreement.

After she'd had her fun, she very skittishly dragged her snout across that spot on my neck where I'd receive my mates' marks one day. I understood what she wanted me to understand, the halted look she gave me afterwards pressing me to get what she expressed. She wanted me to mate with Ella so she could talk to me and her mates through the mate bond. 

I really- really want to do it too, to be able to talk to her and the rest of my wolves for the first time. I decided that I'm gonna tell my mates the whole story and get it over with as soon as I could, I no longer am going to let the past take control over my present.

To respond to Marina, I cupped her snout with a single hand and whispered "I know little one, I know. Soon I promise" making her perk up with excitement and desire to play with me again. The little one growled at me playfully before burrowing her way into my shirt and trying to tickle my torso. Little did she know that I'm not ticklish, but I laughed and pretended to writhed to play along with her.

Aurora too watched with great focus and contentment, me playing with her mate. Instructing me from time to time about what she thought Marina would like, and smiling brightly when Marina liked it. I too was shook in awe about the way she cared about her mate, compared to a few weeks ago she was a entirely changed wolf. She cared about others, other than me, she let true self come forth and for the first time, she loved. Her mates changed her, and I guess mine changed me too.

My mates made me a better person.



I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, and should I include more scenes of the humans and wolves together???

please vote and comment to gimme your input ---


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