Heaven and Hell

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yeh so hehe, HEY! 

Explanation at the end

Jaceth P.O.V.

As soon as I heard their truck pull up into the driveway, I perked up. They were back and I could sense Ellie with them too, thank the goddess she was safe. I wanted to get up and go to my mates, to see them after what felt like days without them in this heat, but my body- it felt too weak. The pill Lily gave did help, but my world still felt shaken up and my mind clouded by a thick fog of heat.

Instead deciding to use my sense, I tuned into their conversation where Grey was thanking and then dismissing Aspen, Caleb and Lily. Fuck- they know I'm in heat. This is so embarrassing as a Beta Male- to go into heat. I'd be turning red right now if the heat hadn't already done the job for me.

I'd get more embarrassed if my mind didn't feel so inscrutable right now. My mates talked about something else but I was too busy pathetically and needily waiting for them. Before I could further lament about how miserable I felt, Grey entered my room with a quick knock. 

All my neediness faded away for a second as he walked in with a grim expression and he was accoutered with ensanguined clothes, his shirt missing. His expression changed immediately as his eyes fell upon my panting and writhing self, in that split second where he lost control, he looked downright predatory.

That added to my unease and need for him. 

Quickly he grabbed those heat pills from his back pocket and held one up to my mouth, which I gladly welcomed and flushed down with some water. 

"Hey pup", he said simply as he looked down at me with a sympathetic and understanding expression.

I hummed in response whilst continuing to stare at his bloody and battered clothes and body. He noticed and said, "I'm fine baby, perfectly fine. And, we got Ellie back".

Now that got me to smile at him lazily. "Where?", I asked him.

"In the other room with Cami, you both can't be together right now, I'm afraid.", he answered.

I looked up to him with a pout, I wanted- no I needed Ellie with me right now. I wanted to protest, scream at them for keeping us apart, but couldn't  collect the strength right now. An angry glare was all that anyone would get out of me right now.

Grey again smiled sympathetically and  said, "It'll be too much for both of you to be together right, we're barely managing with the pills as it is".

I didn't understand, the fog didn't let me, the heat didn't allow my brain to think, so I nodded lazily even though nothing made much sense right now.

"Pup, give me two minutes I'm disgusting right now. Lemme shower real quick", Grey said and kissed the top of my head. He was already gone before I could muster up the strength to protest.

So I just lay there with hooded eyes staring at the door he left through, feeling like crying. I needed him right now, I need to him to come back out that door, to hold me close against his chest. I need my mate to come fix everything that feels wrong right now, need him to make this heat go away, need him to make my raging boner go away.

And, true to his word Grey showed back withing a couple of minutes, in just bottoms leaving his upper body exposed for me to ogle and drool over. Suddenly the clothes on my body felt to constricting and suffocating. 

Naked, I needed all my clothes off right now because of how bad and tight these clothes felt against my body. Before I could realize, I was already stripping out of my clothes very ungraciously. Grey walked up to me quickly and held my hand to stop me earning whines of distress.

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