Peter Parker- Seeing double

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There was no better feeling than swinging around New York City alongside fellow superhero, Spider-Man. Y/N knew this feeling better than anyone else.

You see, 4 years ago, Y/N Y/L/N met Peter Parker and they quickly became friends. 3 years ago, Peter asked Y/N to be his girlfriend and she gladly accepted. 2 years ago, Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider and he developed his new abilities within a week. Because Y/N was his girlfriend, of course, he was happy to tell her.

Now, 1 year ago, Y/N got fed up with not being able to help Peter, so, Peter created an exact copy of his suit (made originally by Tony Stark), except the suit could accommodate the room for boobs and Y/N's lack of an ass. So, there was a point in Y/N's life when she stood in the middle of Peter's bedroom, nothing but a bra and underwear on her torso as Peter measured her body for the suit.

One obvious question is "what about the web shooters?". Well, Peter's web-fluid come from inside his body, as the radioactive spider bite created the formula with his cells. So, Peter took a sample of his own blood, and with his Science brain, he was able to create an artificial web-fluid that was similar to the web-fluid he produced. And, instead of Y/N being able to shoot web-fluid without touching a button, Peter created a small wrist canister that could be activated to shoot web-fluid every time Y/N pressed the button located in the middle of her palm.

"Peter! Watch out! Vulture is heading down Abraham Pl and Absecon Rd." You yelled into the earpiece that rested within your suit. Swinging to the location, you were worried when Peter didn't answer.

"Why did the Vulture have to be Liz's dad?!" Peter questioned.

"The Vulture is Liz's dad?! How the hell do you know that?" You and Peter still had a few minutes until you reached the location.

"Remember Homecoming?" Peter asked.

"Yeah? Why?" You asked, confused.

"Well, Liz was my date and her dad dropped us off at the dance. Now previously, I had seen him robbing a truck delivery and his mask accidentally flew off." Peter informed you.

"Well...that's something." You were shocked.

"Peter, if we don't speed like The Flash, we're going to lose him!" You yelled, shocking Peter.

"Was that a DC comics reference?!" Peter was clearly more shocked than you were.

"You have a very wide variety of DC comics and I was bored." You admitted.

Eventually, after a while, the Vulture was apprehended, letting you and Peter grab some take-away food before heading back to your apartment.

After both you and Peter swung in secretly to your shared bedroom, you both relaxed, taking off your masks.

"Another job well done." You and Peter fist-bumped before you headed out to the kitchen.

"Peter, I'll go ahead and-" Before you could finish your sentence, you looked over at the couch near the big window, seeing Tony Stark in a suit sitting down, his glasses tightly attached to his face.

"PETER!" You yelled, forcing Peter to rush into the room.

"What the hell!" He yelled when he saw Tony.

"Either I've had too much to drink, or I'm seeing double. Now, I'm guessing since I don't have a drink in my hand or next to me, there is in fact two Spider-Men in front of me, except, one of you has boobs." Tony made the rudest assumption.

"First off, that's rude, and secondly, her name is Spider-Woman." Peter defended you.

"Spider-Woman aka Y/N Y/L/N, how original." Tony scoffed.

"Ok, here's the money question, how did you get into our locked apartment?" You angrily asked.

"Peter's aunt May gave me the spare key." Tony answered.

"Why are you here Mr Stark?" Peter asked.

"I'm here to see how you've been doing since you rejected my offer to become an Avenger. I see that you've been doing quite well, seeing as you're fighting crime with you girlfriend of 3 years." Tony informed you and Peter.

"Ok, well, as much as it is an honour to have you in our apartment, Peter and I are quite tired and I'd really like it if you go away." You pushed Tony towards the front door of your apartment.

"Are you going to let your girlfriend talk to me this way, Peter?" Tony asked, thinking that Peter would choose his old mentor over his current girlfriend.

"Please leave Mr Stark." Peter smiled, wrapping his arm around my waist as Tony closed the door behind him. You locked the door, sighing.

"We need to get every lock in our apartment changed, and sorry Peter, but we will not be giving your aunt a spare key, in case of situations where Tony Stark thinks it's ok to use a spare key to wait for us in our apartment. May will just have to call us ahead of time next time she wants to stop by." You spoke, Peter understanding.

"I agree." He smiled, placing a passionate kiss on your lips as you both headed to the bedroom to get changed into more comfortable clothes.

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