Peter Parker- Let her go

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A/N: Happy 150th story!

I sat on my bed, tears streaming down my face. It has only been 24 hours, but it felt like a lifetime.

"Peter, dinner time." Aunt May called from my doorway.

Yesterday, Liz and Flash broke Y/N and I up. They manipulated us and they got what they wanted. I wanted to explain the whole situation to Y/N, but she doesn't even want to walk down the same hallway as me.

It was a pretty insane situation.
Y/N ran up to me, her face red with anger.

"You motherfucker!" She screamed. I wished that her swearing had been bleeped out.

"How dare you!" She hit me.

"How dare me?! How dare you?!" I yelled back, now angry.

"Why would you sleep with Liz?! Am I not good enough for you??" She was now crying.

"I didn't sleep with Liz! Did she tell you that?" I asked, my face turning red.

"Of course she told me. She thought it was right for me to know!" She rolled her eyes.

"She lied to you, Y/N. I would never sleep with her. But, on a similar level, why would you sleep with Flash?!" I explained.

"I didn't sleep with Flash! I would never sleep with Flash...gross. Did he say something to you?" She angrily hissed.

"He was bragging about it at lunch today. I had to refrain from punching him." I hissed.

"He definitely lied to you, Peter. I would never let him sleep with me, considering you're my boyfriend, actually, ex-boyfriend." She ran off.
When I went home that day, I had a long nap and I realised that Liz and Flash had set us up. Liz lied to Y/N about sleeping with me and Flash had lied to me about Y/N sleeping with him. I tried to explain this to Y/N, but she had already blocked and deleted my number.

"Peter. Please. Put your phone away. It's dinner time." Aunt May expressed her annoyance as I turned my phone on and off, expecting a message or some sort of communication from Y/N. She had blocked my number, but she had yet to block and unfollow me on Instagram.

Without warning, May lightly grabbed my phone and put it on the bench, forcing me to stay seated.

"I know you love her, Peter...but it's over. She made that very clear." May took a bite of her food.

"May. It's all a misunderstanding. I want her to know the truth. I need her to know the truth." I cried, unable to put any food in my mouth.

"I know Peter. I know it's never easy to walk away from a love, past or present. But seriously Peter, you need to let her go." May explained, holding my hand.

"I can't, May. What we had, it's over, because of Liz and Flash. They ruined it all and manipulated Y/N into breaking up with me!" I cried, unable to stop the tears from spilling.

"It's okay, Peter. The pain will be over with time." May hugged me, trying her best to console me.

Sitting on my bed, I scrolled through every app that I had, trying desperately to avoid replying to Peter's Instagram message. Every time I saw the Instagram logo, I was tempted to tap it and reply. I couldn't even scroll through Instagram without wanting to reply to him.

Chucking my phone into the pile of teddies, pillows and blankets that resided on the end on my bed, I got up and left my room, intending to make myself some dinner, but unfortunately, within a few minutes, I was back in my room, tapping on the message part of Instagram, intending to read and reply to Peter's message, no matter what he told me.

As I messaged Peter back, I thought about what happened. Maybe I should have listened to him instead of thinking that we had really cheated on each other. I had really needed to consider that maybe Liz and Flash created false rumours to get exactly what they wanted. But, like always, I overreacted and let them win, and I never liked to let those assholes win.

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