Tom Holland- Life changing

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From a young age, everyone who knew Tom Holland knew that he was destined to be an actor. His breakout role came in the form of the West-End Musical 'Billy Elliot', based off the movie.

In 2008, at the age of 12, Tom was just a normal boy, but, after being asked to audition for the title role in this Musical, he was over the moon in excitement, until it came to telling his childhood friend of 11 years, Y/N.

"Tom, honey, you have to tell Y/N about the role." My mom Nikki sat in front of me, her hands over mine as I tried not to cry.

"Mom, I can't. I've known her for 10 years. We have a bond that I don't want to break." I looked down.

"Tom. You can't deny the inevitable. If you tell her, maybe she'll understand and support you, but you won't know until you tell her." My mom looked up as the doorbell rang. Getting up, she unlocked and opened the door, revealing my best friend.

"I'll leave you too alone." She smiled, leaving me in the room with Y/N.

"What's going on?" Y/N asked as she sat down on the couch.

"Y/N, there's something I need to tell you." I spoke, my leg shaking.

"Go ahead. I'm all" She laughed.

"Well, I can't really explain it. I haven't got the words." I started to chicken out, panicking. I don't know how people could ever deal with giving bad news.

"C'mon Tom. You can tell me." She held my hand, trying to understand.

"Because of my talent for dancing, I was asked to audition for the title role in the West-End Musical called 'Billy Elliot', and I managed to get the role." I announced, getting the news over and done with.

Tom had worried you. First, his mom asked you over and then, Tom started acting weird, as if he had something to tell you.

"C'mon Tom. You can tell me." You held his hand, trying to understand whatever he was trying to tell you.

"Because of my talent for dancing, I have been asked to audition for the title role in the West-End Musical called 'Billy Elliot', and I managed to get the role." Tom blabbed. You saw that Tom was happier now that he had told you.

"Y-You're leaving?" You asked, pulling away.

"I can't help it. My ballet skills have given me this opportunity and I can't pass it up! This could be a big chance for me." You tried not to cry.

"W-When are you leaving?" You asked.

"Tomorrow. I've been attending training for this Musical, as well as gymnastic lessons. I'll be heading to the West-End of London to start rehearsals." Tom smiled.

"So, you're telling me that you went to an audition for a major role and since then, you've been secretly attending training for a massive West-End Musical and you never thought to tell me before now that you're leaving tomorrow?" You were upset that he had kept it from you.

"I went to 8 auditions and I didn't want to say anything just in case it didn't work out and I didn't get the role." Tom defended himself.

"You're leaving me Tom, for who knows how long. We've told each other everything since we could talk, 10 years ago!" You stood up, feeling hurt.

"Y/N, please don't go. I don't want you to leave when you're still upset." Tom held your hand.

"Enjoy the experience Tom. As they say in the Theatre, 'break a leg'." You said, still feeling hurt, but not hurt enough to cry.

(6 Months Later)
You had never been more excited. For the first time in 6 months, you would get to see Tom. You sat in the back of your mom's car, your hands shaking.

"You excited honey? You'll get to see him again." She smiled.

"It's not exactly how I wanted to see him for the first time in 6 months, but it's something. I'll get to hear him sing and I'll get to see his "amazing" ballet skills." You laughed.

As you and your mom arrived at the theatre, hundreds of people entered with you. Sitting in your seats, your mom leaned over.

"This is his very first performance." She smiled as the lights dimmed, signalling that the performance was starting.

After what seemed like forever, a certain line sung by Tom as Billy, sounded familiar.

"I can't really explain it. I haven't got the words." Tom sang, making you smile. He had secretly told you about what he was doing before he told you.

I was panicking. This was my first ever performance in the West-End. I missed Y/N, but what I was doing was what I needed to do.

The first act was over, and now the second act was upon me. The first couple of songs were great, but then it came time for 'Electricity'. I stood on the stage with the actor that played Billy's dad, Jackie.

Once the lines were delivered, I looked at the audience briefly. I apparently looked at the audience at the right time, as I saw a familiar face. Y/N. I smiled and begun the song.

"I can't really explain it. I haven't got the words." I sang as Billy.

Once the show was over, the lights coming back on, you smiled. After everyone had left, you knew that Tom would be backstage packing up his things. So, with your mom's permission, you ran to find Tom.

"Tom!" You yelled as you saw him exiting his dressing room.

"Y/N!" He saw you. You ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug. He put you down and you smiled.

"You look really pretty Y/N." Tom complimented you.

"Thanks. Oh, by the way, you did amazing tonight. If you perform like this every time, I'll surely convince my mom to let me watch you again." You smiled.

"I'm so glad that you liked it. I was nervous, as it was my first West-End show, let alone my first title role." He smiled more.

"Well, considering how well you did tonight, I expect that you'll be getting more title roles in the future, maybe even movie roles." You giggled.

"Calm down, Y/N. I'm only 12 years old. I can't be thinking of the future just yet!" Tom also giggled as Tom linked his arm with yours before you and Tom left the building to go get ice-cream, accompanied by your respective mothers.

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